Monday, 8 December 2008

Welcome 2 March 2008

From: MSN Nicknamemrsbsrooma11 Sent: 2/03/2008 4:10 p.m.


February birthdays, Arthur Culley 10th, Jackie Sheehy 27th

 and Jennifer Fenton 27th, Margret Brands 7th.

Welcome to:

We have a grand-nephew of Nanna Fenton joining our website family and hello to Alfred L. R. Adlam, son of John Douglas Adlam, who was one of Nanna's brothers.

Mum Mona is visiting Auckland, having enjoyed the speedy flight from New Plymouth to arrive in time for Waitangi Day.  She had the talking opportunity to Skype Roger and beam her smile into his Upland home.  Viewing the past messages on the Discussion page and seeing the photos from Aunty Marj Harper's album were all stimulating points of discussionl  She hasn't viewed the humorous one of Mari getting trumped by the fountain

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