Thursday, 25 December 2008

August and tangi of Hip is over and farewells to travellers

From: Margret Sent: 3/09/2005 11:58 a.m.

August is gone and we had August birthdays to congratulate whanau:

Roger Taylor, 27th, Joseph Woon, 2nd, Glynn Taylor 20th, Erlene Fent (Chard) 19th, Kellie Fenton 9th, Wayne Fenton 28th and Kirsty McDonald 11th.

Tangi report:

A belated set of farewells to both Roger Fenton, who flew back to California, and to Darryn Fenton who flew back to London.  Thanks to Adam Patuwairua for making the trip from Sydney - you looked styly, Adam and your success at working for Noel Leemings is a credit to your endeavours.  Kingston Brands left from the RSA hakari to catch a flight to Nelson as he was due to attend the 2005 Good Vibes Boogie of skydiving.

Photos by Danny Fenton, the eldest son of Uncle Fred Fenton and Aunty Zoe, did not include himself in the cousins list as was Eugene, son of Aunty Ruby and Uncle Tui.  If anyone else has the opportunity to share photos in the website, please do so as they will be appreciated.

A few minutes of the tangi at the cemetery shows a piece of the graveside ceremony in a video.  My own 36th wedding anniversary has been and gone on 30 August.

Val and Malcolm's European holiday is underway and they'll visit with Darryn and Julie and with Jane, daughter of Val's bridesmaid of Waitara, who lives in London

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