Friday, 26 December 2008

231 Moonflowers and Rona is a unique one in 2005

From: MSN NicknameMoonflower231  (Original Message) Sent: 1/06/2005 2:03 p.m.
Hello Beautiful People,
Thank you all your lovely comments and the welcome back I have received.  It has certainly boosted my flagging confidence, not to mention my ego.  I have been missed!
Just to let you all know, I now have two email addresses.  The ratpack one, and now the new one with hotmail. The hotmail one was because I went to resign for the discussion board for our website and they wouldn't let me use our home email address as they said it was already in use.  Hence the need for a new name etc.
Moonflower, you're thinking.............well let me tell you a little story about that. I was sitting contemplating the universe, well almost, when applying for my new hotmail address etc, and you have to have a nickname.  What the hell was I gonna call myself.  Lots of things came to mine, some unprintable though!  I got to thinking Rona-something to do with the tides and the moon.  I logged in a few names but unfortunately they were taken or the ones available were YUK.  SOOOooooooooooooooo, I happened to go into our bedroom and picked up a bottle of Body Lotion I had been given as a present and lo and behold there on the bottle was "Moonflower" - That's me I thought, and duly entered the name. All I had to do was put a few numbers beind the name, and Bob's your Uncle.   (My kids can never get that little joke). 
 It's all worked out rather well too, because I've just "discovered" the Trade Me site.  I couldn't use our home email address on here either because Eugene is already logged onto this site under that.  I'm looking at items, and bidding for things I wouldn't really wanna put MY name to.  I will let your imagination take you where it will.   MY lips are sealed.
So if you guys wanna get in touch, I'm still on the old email address.

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