Friday, 26 December 2008

Announcing arrival of Emma Elisabeth Foley, ggrandchild of Mari and Jack in 2005

From: MSN NicknameMariLynetteMcD  (Original Message) Sent: 23/05/2005 6:41 p.m.
It is with great pleasure and delight that Jack and I announce the arrival of our first Great Grandchild. Emma Elisabeth Foley. Emma was born ,Sunday 22nd May, Brisbane Australia.Emma is the Daughter of Nicola and Mark Foley,Nicola being the Daughter of Jo-Ann and Grand Daughter of Mari and Jack.

We are all so thrilled and proud that Nicola and Mark named their Baby Emma after my Late Mother, Emma Fenton.We now have once again four generations of Ladies,.Mother and Baby are both fit and well and due Home again in a day or so.
Arohanui,Mari and Jack

1 comment:

Mrs Margret said...

From: val Sent: 25/05/2005 3:05 p.m.

Congrtaulations to all on this momentus occassion.

And the fifth generation is looking down smiling.

Love to all from Val, Malcolm and family. Auntie Mona and Uncle Hip