Friday, 26 December 2008

Acknowledgment of bereavement of Ronnie Fenton, Keegan scooter accident 2005

From: Margret Sent: 17/06/2005 6:46 p.m.



Karl Kaimera Te Moko Makiha   1st June - 21st birthday     
Christian Fenton 3rd  

Julie Taylor


 Rona Crawford

Daniel Snookes 9th  
   Jan Spanhake  10th  
  Kingston Brands  11th - 21st birthday  
 Darryn Fenton  11th  
 Rhonda Fenton  12th  
 Terri Crawford  17th  
 Verban Elkington  22nd   
 Keegan Lodge  23rd  
Message from Danny

Dear Whanau and Friends,
To those who emailed, phoned and sent their condolences to both Nola and myself regarding the sudden death of my Brother Ronnie, we wish to thank you very much.
The pleasant memories that we have and treasure, will I'm sure, assist us with our grieving.  Although  Ronnie has moved on, those that had the pleasure of knowing him will know what I mean.
Regards and Love to All
Danny and Nola

BUSY LIVES for us all

Laura has made contact as has Rona.  Laura mentioned that their sister Joey's son, Karl, will be  celebrating his 21st birthday in June.  Kingi will also be 21 next month and Keegan, living with us, will be 19.  More of our whanau have June birthdays.  Whose?

Sherrie is to do a ten week internship studying the mass transit systems of New York City from June until end of August.  Her essay skills made her a winner in her application to be an intern; she will have her own apartment, based in Brooklyn, when living in New York.  I'd like to book a bedspace ANYWHERE in her New York apartment.  Roger, this morning, 29 May has been home a few hours from a return trip to Georgia, his fifth to that state on behalf of company, Southern Edison.

Nicola and Mark are sharing their baby's photos with us and no doubt experience the joys of parenting Emma. 

Happy birthday for next month to Julie and Darryn, living in Burford, Guildford, England.  You're too old for presents, DJ.

It doesn't pay to ride or drive in Auckland as there are nasty, nasty people who overtake on double yellow lines and hit and run.  Keegan was on Hobsonville Road, just across from the island, and some mongrel did just that.  Amazingly, Keegan has survived this horrid accident with minor bumps and bruises.  A very lucky lad. 

Rona has news about husband Gerald and their children Eugene and Terri, sent out in a message.


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