Friday, 26 December 2008

2005 - Dennis's birthday, Mona's 75th, Kingi skydive at Paihia, visit Ronnie at Moerewa

From: Margret Sent: 29/01/2005 3:03 p.m.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Dennis's 56th birthday - I hope you enjoyed the trip to Aussie and the visit with Adam.

There is an important letter from the Prime Minister of Australia that you can read in Mari's album; and one from their friend, who happens to be a Senator.congraulating them on their anniversary.

Aunty Mona's 75th birthday was celebrated on 15th January with an overnight, dark of night trip to Auckland arriving here at 3.30am. She had to be woken up by nephew Danny so that he could wish her happy birthday - lucky for her that he didn't sing. Mum was here to attend a Nicholas whanau celebration over at Hobsonville. She wants to go to the casino, too. (I'm glad the non-smoking laws are in operation in such a place). She is now learning the intricacies of having a cellphone. When she was visiting Dad in the Rhapsody Home in New Plymouth she was excitedly trying to retrieve her 'ringing' phone, found it, no one there to talk to. Why? Well, it was Dad's liquid food bottle that was calling attention to itself that it was empty.

Kingston was competing in the New Zealand Parachute Federation's national competition. He competed in the 4-way team competition, this time as a team member and they won the competition. On a personal note, Kingston won the Swoop Accuracy in the canopy piloting competition onto Paihia Beach, having walked out the setting-up point he considered was apt for when the plane took off from nearby Haururu Falls for the morning competition for swooping. (Kingston's efforts are recognised in the websites: and in the American website for competition results at

On our way home, after the one night stopover at Kerikeri, Richard and I visited with cousin Ronnie Fenton and wife Marie at their Moerewa home. An enlightening tale was to learn of Ronnie's nickname, or perhaps his real name of Fearless Fenton, known in the Tirau and Putaruru district and still missed. Ronnie and Marie related their pleasure about having Aunty Allison and Uncle Ike and the girls living in their area. Ronnie let it be known that he was a reliable young man when given the care of Nana's bb gun when he used to live on the farm at Rona Road. As is a matter of expectation in members of the male Fentons', Ronnie was also a fearless motorbike rider around the streets of Takapuna in his youth.

Auckland Anniversary weekend is underway and the weather is sunny and a light breeze today, Saturday.

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