Friday, 26 December 2008

Uncle Hip's Memorial Service 2005

From: val  (Original Message) Sent: 29/08/2005 5:33 p.m.
Sunday 28th August saw a memorial service held at the Rhapsody Rest Home where Dad (Hip) had resided for the last 5 1/2 years.
The service was attended by the owners/family - staff, friends, family etc.
It was a lovely service with a lovely hymn, soloist singer, soloist pianist, a poetry reading by me(Val) and officiated by pastor Clive Carradine
There of course was a beautiful afternoon tea - with Mums creampuffs - and lovely background piano music whilst we ate.
This service provided closure for us and the staff and management and was a fitting end to Dads time at Rhapsody and again a remeberance of Dad himself.
Thanks to all who were able to attend and provide support and food.
Lots of Love Val, Malcolm and family and Mum (Mona)
Pictured: Malcolm, holding Fraser, with Keegan. Behind is sleepy Darryn and Roger on visit from USA and Hip beaming

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