My Family and I mourn the passing of our Uncle Hip,after a long illness he is now at rest God bless him.Like so many others I have long, loving and lasting memories of this kind Man.On that day 71 years ago when I was born out there at Nana Fentons Farm on Rona Road, it was uncle Hip who rode his motor bike into town and boug

ht home on his back a baby cot for me to sleep in,my Father was away motor bike racing unaware that I had been born,so from day one it was Uncle Hip to the rescue.While I won't go into a long story,Uncle Hip was very kind and helpful to our Family,Mum,Dad and myself.Even when we moved to Wellington after the War we still had lots of contact with him.I must tell you this,Jack and I often had a chuckle about the time I took Jack to Waitara to meet my Family,Jack got a real hardy handshake from Uncle Hip,along with a straight look into the eyes,a big smile and the words of advise,look after my niece or you will answer to me.When we met up with Uncle Hip in the following years,Jack would always say,"I am really looking after her Uncle Hip"it really became a good joke for us,but as Jack would say "He really means it" There are so many good memories that I will always cherish,Rest in Peace Uncle Hip,Arohanui,Mari
From: val Sent: 7/09/2005 10:29 p.m.
Marie, Jack
Thanks so very much for your kind words, Hehe I could imagine Dad being ever so protective of his niece. And the story of the cot was very lovely as well. Cheers Val.
In the distant future of 2008, Mari, I am diligently working on transferring these messages from the website where we have contributed our experiences or photos. It has been good to re-read the comments from my cousins and family-at-large.
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