Monday, 8 December 2008

Archived welcome 2 February 2008

From: Makalu1 Sent: 2/02/2008 8:18 a.m.

Welcome to our travelling cousin Joey.  Here she is with her older sisters and brother as the Patuwairua siblings enjoying the Melbourne reunion - eldest brother Dennis was in NZ Laura, standing with Rona and visiting home of brother Terry along with their sister Joey.  The NZ sisters tripped over to Melbourne to visit.

Moonflower Rona is adding to our knowledge of Melbourne with a host of photos.

One of January's birthdays was the 78th birthday for Mum on 15th January.  Many Happy Returns, Mum.  Darryn made her very happy with a special cake delivered from the Collin Street Bakery in Corsicana, Texas.  It is a cake to hide from others, it's more important than whitebait or crayfish. Dennis achieved his 59th birthday on 23rd Jan and congratulations to him. Heimaria Makiha and her birthday on the 4th and south Aucklander Pauline Fenton celebrated on the 16th and Carmella Snooks, Heimaria's cousin, had a birthday on the 14th.

Auckland has it's Anniversary Day on Monday:  I hope the weather is fine.  Roger's lecturer at the Drucker Business School at Claremont University is visiting NZ currently.  Karen and her spouse are due to leave NZ on Monday, 28th Jan.

Hello to Julie who looking forward to her baby due in May.  Darryn sounds like he's buying his toys under the guise of getting things ready for Baby Fenton-Taylor.  Julie, if you want anything for the baby, make sure that that you get equipment with some element in it for Darryn to play with.  Great to see the photos of you Julie. 

Remembering that this webpage is not styled in the MySpace or Facebook modes; it is a simple site and I do appreciate your sharing.  A past HAM radio acquaintance who Dad Hip met in the late 80's has noticed this webpage.  Randall E. Murphree of Alabamba sent a message to find out what happened to Hip over the years.  In common, Dad and Randall had a friend called Dick James, also a HAM from Alabama.  For several years Dick used to send the deluxe fruit cake from the Collins Street Bakery from Texas and we can blame him for the Blake Street Fentons' addiction to this sensational cake that Darryn recently organised for Mum. 

What a marvel the Internet can be:  I keyed in ZL2ANB, Dad's callsign for over 50 years and now Darryn's callsign as he is a HAM also, and up came this url -  The Jet Propulsion Laboratory was a place that Roger was organising for Richard and I to visit with him last September.  The visit was cancelled owing to me having a major loss of a tooth and requiring the essential service of Sherrie's sister's intervention. 

STATION ACTIVITIES By George Williamson/K6YGN ( 1972 records)

There has been a rumor that the W6VIO Radio Station is used only for a storage room. Not so. W6VIO is making its presence felt by operating QRP on Diameter SSB. For any of you DC-banders that may not have heard yet, 10 meters has received an ionospheric shot in the arm.

Month  Station Worked   Our RST
 September  ZL2ANB  5,6,7
As a sampling of the goings-on, consider the following for this calendar year:


The next webpage relates to the callsign operated by Dad in Western Samoa, circa 1956-59: - March 200  WashRag magazine of Pennsylvania

I recently ran across the 1957

that featured Lloyd Colvin on the cover. I looked at the magazine page-to-page and marveled at the price of gear. Also interesting was a Survey that CQ took.  Here are some stats from that era:. DX:  HK0AI, VQ9HAY, C3CG, FQ8AY, FW8AA, FP8AY, VE3AHU/SU,  HE9LAC,  MP4KAC, SV0WE, ZM6AS, VS1BB  Hope no one minds this little trip through nostalgia land.  DX IS!

The next website brought about a pleasant surprise  as the author had selected two cards from  ZM6 Samoa Occidentale-  - and a return email from the HAM Dad had morse-keyed back  in the Samoa days of March 1958.  Roger and I had often watched and listened to Dad communicating with the world.  As he was the then only radio HAM on the island, with his inate ability to punch out a strong and popular signal, his mail ALWAYS brought requests from other HAM's around the world seeking proof they had had reciprocal contact with him.  Those generous HAMs would do the right thing by sending International Rely Coupons (IRC's worth sixpence each to Roger and I), the IRC's were for postage.  To Roger and myself they represented pocket money to be sent in the once-a-month visit to the town of Apia the one day when Dad was permited to leave the sea and land air bases.  We could cash those precious IRC's with the Burns Philp cashier and straight away buy  the popular pigs trotter before anything else.  Purchases of peanuts would be second, and a hoped for ice-cream if the scar of potential TB from local dairy produce was allayed in Mum's mind.  So, those HAM contacts were very important to our cash strapped 9 and 7 year old selves in the once a month visit to the shops 22 miles away. 

You can place mouse over the http:// and be linked to the webpages .

Margret 2 February 2008

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