Thursday, 25 December 2008

Adam calling from Ireland

From: Makalu2 Sent: 5/05/2006 5:42 p.m.


 April 2006

Tena Koutou Katoa,
Teina te mihi atu kia koutou katoa, aha koa he mihi makariri engari he mihi.
Hey guys hope everything is cool back home (it definnitely is cool if not cold here!).
I arrived here at the start of March and have been waiting for my store to open up over here. At the moment I'm staying in Balbriggan, which is about 20 mins north of Dublin. I was staying in Clarehall, about 10 mins north of Dublin but the person I was staying with moved to Balbriggan. I'm going be working in Blanchardstown, just in a retail park for Harvey's again.
Now Ireland, quite an unusual place, very much like NZ but a lot flatter as in no hills and a lot colder! I got over here and I caught the end of winter, since I have been here it actually has warmed a bit. Thankfully. It's funny that all the preconceptions about Ireland were all wrong.
The little cottages with straw roofs were replaced with never-ending town houses, the people going around saying "top of the morning to ya" or "sure to be sure" was replaced with normal people - I will admit though the Irish are humourous people by
ture. Always wanting to crack a joke with ya. They are warming people, both Kiwi's and Irish have similar qualities.
Dublin - another usual preconception - me going into the city expecting this big grand city found nothing more than a city with building no higher than four stories, lots of historic buildings and monuments.
At the moment Ireland is in an economic boom, with companies wanting to move here and setting up shop.  With never-ending building happening, and the influx of people and vehicles, the country, at this point in time, can't really handle it.  It's got speed wobbles, so to speak!
All in all, the county's a great place and I look forward to spending some time here, also using is as a base for European holidays.
He mihi atu ano kia koutou katoa, e noho ana i rora i te korowai aroha o Aotearoa.
Kia Ora Koutou

It is a delight to read Adam's first impressions of living in Ireland.  Thanks for sending us the email.  Send a photo of you and write about more of your experiences, please.

Time to confess.  Who is a year older for the month of April?

When is your birthday, Courtney?

3rd Lynn Taylor  10th Nona Sleep 
 14th Michelle Fenton 14th Melissa Williams
 17th Trisha Fenton  21st Lorraine Rimmer
24th Joanna Makiha 29th Gina Gutschlaf
 30th Courtney Lodge

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