Thursday, 25 December 2008

Viewing Whanau on the tv

From: Margret Sent: 11/04/2006 5:31 p.m.

Viewing Whanau on TV

Stephens Island - Cook Strait tuatara sanctuaryKarl Elkington spoke at a recent hearing on the fate of the tuatara on St Stephen's Island.  He also delivered the submission of his Dad, Jim Elkington.  The website address will allow you to see the related video that shows the interview with Karl. on TVOne on 29 March 2006.  Thanks to Danny Fenton for letting me know of the news item.


Kingston Brands wins Sport Distance   
 Kingston, with gold medal, celebrates!(source  Site plan of Waihi Beach for the NZ Nationals Canopy Piloting champs 2006

The day at Waihi Beach was exciting with stunning weather.  The crowds came to view the parachutists competing in either accuracy competitions or the more challenging and scary swoop accuracy.    Richard and I were proud of Kingi as even when he was doing his housekeeping of re-packing his Icarus parachute, he was often in a dialogue with keen visitors who wanted to ask questions about parachuting.  The scary but exciting part of the swoop accuracy is being privy to the horizontal flying of the athlete after they have entered the flaggead gate at the beginning of the 100 metre channel.  The angle that the parachutist commits to when beginning the carve manoeuvre is determined by experience, wind, altitude and ab-solute daring.  The parachute whistles as air rushes through the cells and ropes as it speeds through the channel.  A few smacks happened, no sin bin penalities nor red cards but welcome humour from the parachutist who realises that he got out of a sticky patch without broken bones.  Kingi won the Sport Distance Swoop with his greatest distance of over 98 metres.  He was tickled pink to achieve first place.

Another of our youth is doing well and we now have been told by Dennis that his son Adam is esconced in Ireland and living in Dublin.  I hope that he enjoys living with our Irish relatives and working for Harvey Norman and gives them a lick of Kiwi culture

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