Monday, 8 December 2008

2008 June - Mona at hangi in England, meets Tama Iti at Clandon Park, Val meets up in Shere

From: MSN Nicknamemrsbsrooma11  (Original Message) Sent: 14/07/2008 11:14 p.m.

 Stormy weather heralds the start of the second half of 2008 -

School holidays have started and the movement through the Desert Road and around the mountains have been somewhat hindered by the snow.  Global warning!

ingston did not work today  5th July as a blizzard at his place of work meant that he did not work.  He obviously likes the snow.  (Back home on the island, the hail has lasted 50 minutes - the weather forecast fullah said that if the SkyTower was 3x higher then the pink tinged snow clouds would snow upon it.  Good thing that such an anomaly will not occur!)

14 July and croissants were made on a tv show.  Must have been sponsored by Fonterra.  Lots of butter involved.

Television adverts brought the New Plymouth-based PEI - Practical Education Institute, and there was Val working with a student at the computer;  intersected with the Tyra Banks show.

The next telly presence was likely to be Keegan about 40seconds into the CloseUp story on the CyberGames held at the Telstra Pacific Stadium in Manukau city, 14th July video file..

5 July and Kingston smiling from carrot town, Ohakune


Karl and his daughter.  Karl is a member of the Puata family from Waitara.

  They were at the hangi where the kapa haka of Ngati Ranana performed.

Karl recognised Mona from his childhood; he used to accompany Hip and

 his fellow research Mr McIntyre from Rimutauteka up beyond Pukerangiora

In the weekend Julie and Darryn took Mum and Sam to attend the Ngati Ranana hangi held at Clandon Park in nearby Guildford.  A passing acquaintance with celebrity such as Bill Tawhai and Mum has a fan photo with him.  Next she had Tama Iti in her g sights and lined him up for a photo too. Sure enough, on the Skype chat, Mum said that that Aunty Gemma and Uncle Martin's Waitara hangi were 'much better'.  Talk about loyalty.

Tuesday: Right this very minute, Val is getting onto the coach, bus to most of us, and on her way from Heathrow to Woking.   A 15 minute trip from his home in Shere and Darryn will have Val in his car with the five rings, as Mum calls it, and back to meet her mokopuna.  About two hours from now Mum will be delivered to Heathrow to begin her outward journey to Los Angeles on her koru tailed bird.  Passing ships in the night?   

Friday: Val has a few more days in England.  She has visited Darryn at his work place in Godalming.  I think that they are going up to London today, Friday the 4th.

29 June

Mona and buddy Tama Iti at the marae in Clandon Park, Guildford, Surrey, England.  Tama is visiting England and Europe to act in a play called The Tempest. Rewa Iti, from Lepperton, was a friend of Mum's; she died some years ago.


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