Monday, 8 December 2008

2008 June - Greatgrandmother Mona and Grandmother Val meet Samuel in England

From: Margret   Sent: 6/08/2008 10:45 p.m.

21 July and this is Mona's third night in hospital since she arrived back in New Zealand.  She is enjoying the comforts of the Short Stay Ward in Takapuna's North Shore Hospital.  Jetlag is slow to catch up with her though tonight she was yawning mightily.  Mum is teasing staff or fellow patients with her wit.

18 July, wet Friday night in Auckland: Mona's aeroplane is up to mach 4 and looking for the Good Shepherd's Alitalia in nearby Sydney.  Arrival just after 5am Saturday morning and to see if the Air Nelson links pilots are having their strike still.  Trip to New Plymouth was postponed. Mona and Roger getting ready for Skype talk a few hours before leaving for LAX  1st July:  Darryn and Sam's garden when greatgrandmother and grandmother meet for a few minutes.  Mona is outward bound for LAX.  A lovely summer's day in a Surrey garden.

Early July, on a Saturday, and Val's face graced the adverts featuring the PEI in New Plymouth during the the Tyra Banks Show on tv.Mona and Marie from Matarikoriko Road, Kairau, Waitara, and Tim.  Visiting a favourite place in Las Vegas.

 Julie and Sam at the Clandon Park hangi



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