Monday, 8 December 2008

Welcome 21st May 2008 Grabaseat and Kingi off to Shanghai

From: Margret Sent: 21/05/2008 8:35 p.m.

13 May

Did you ever win with GRABASEAT?  Kingi and Melanie had a 2-4-1 deal and they flew off to Noumea, New Caledonie for a five day holiday last month.  The weather was inclement at times in the tropical paradise and the recently scuba padi certified divers did not have the opportunity to enjoy diving.  Learning basic French and the power of the Pacific franc was fun for them to negotiate the basics.

These two erstwhile travellers, Melanie and Kingi, have grabbed a seat each on a plane flight to Shanghai, China for the huge sum of $500 return each.  Tin bums, eh!  The message is:  use the Internet and learn what's on offer.  They left for their adventure on Saturday evening for a six day Asia experience.

Disasters in  Burma and China, weather and earthquake.  A couple of Sundays ago and the tsunami warning started broadcasting on the corner of The Terrace, a parp, parp, parp as it increased in volume.  The sound was loud for us about 75 metres from the signal.  We stood on the verandah and listened to the first signal, a quiet minute and then the main warning started developing and then a pause before the all-clear pitched its message.  The news about the Burma not having the wherewithal to belong to the early warning system may have proven to be a mistake; not having been to Asia, I don't have a clue about the topography.  When the practice tsunami alarms were set off the other Sunday at midday, several families got into their cars to escape the onslaught of the wave.  They hadn't read the public notification of the event.



May 13th, 2008


On 4th May 2008 at the Royal Surrey Hospital, Guildford to Julie and Darryn, a son, Samuel Tahi.

The accompanying photo is borrowed from the Australian museum.  The soldiers are in the Queen Elizabeth II New Zealand Army coronation contingent.  They are marching in the city of Baltimore in Maryland, USA.  I

DO YOU AGREE THAT UNCLE IKE IS ON THE EXTREME RIGHT?  I've got a larger electronic copy of this photo sourced; Mari also considers that the soldier is Uncle Ike.

If you want to see Jack with his greatgranddaughter Emma and grandson Ricky the Brisbane ferry captain, go and view them in Mari's folder.


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