Monday, 8 December 2008

Welcome 13 June 2008 Mona and Fraser in California, Mona in England

From: Margret Sent: 13/06/2008 11:19 p.m.

Shere, Surrey 9 June and Mona is in Da House

 Samuel has got to meet his Kiwi Greatgrandmother; she arrived on the big silver bird having a tireless ride being hosted in Premier Economy.  What a way to go, Mum.  You are da bomb!  I could be envious:  yes.  Darryn said that the plane was an hour late in leaving the USA: maybe the bagage handlers re-packed your tidy suitcase.  I hear that Sam was a model citizen and he slept the night through and you didn't hear a thing.  Good on you, Sam.   Darryn is at work earning the moolah and he's taking you to lunch at BuckinghamPalace annexe tomorrow. 

Fraser had a great visit to the over 8,00ft high-ridin' cable car to the heights of Mt Saint Jacinta and then a visit to the celebrityenriched Palm Springs.  He had a view of the thousands of milling blades of the windmill flatlands that the Santa Anna winds caress all day.  He enjoyed the heat of the Desert Springs and enjoyed the sublime burgers at Carl Juniors. 



Margaret:  thanks for uploading the photos of your grandchildren.  Are they based in Dunedin?  If so, keep them warm as the snow looks mighty tough in the south.

Upland, California 2,3,4,5 June 2008

How to Deal with Jetlag: Part 1

  • Wake up and not know which country you are in
  • Wake up and wait for your breakfast when it's dinnertime
  • Awake and expect breakfast but ask if you have already had dinner
  • Take three days to wake up and gain some normality

How to Deal with Motorways:  Part everything

  • Wake up and realise that there are ten lanes
  • Wish you didn't wake up and realise that the ten highways are super lanes and Roger uses them all at once

How to gain Cookie Points: Parts 10101010

  • Sincerely ask how one can obtain an upgrade
  • Sincerely barter that two Collins Street Bakery fruit cakes are worth airpoints

One more New Zealand day and Mona is en route to Heathrow and the delights of seeing and hearing her first greatgrandchild, Samuel Tahi Fenton.  Using Skype for communication, Mum enjoyed relating her experiences of visiting Cable Airport for breakfast.

Progress days.


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