Tuesday, 6 January 2009

2004 February - Hip's birthday taste for chocolate

From: val  (Original Message) Sent: 23/02/2004 9:05 a.m.
On Saturday the 21st of February, Mum, Malcolm, Keegan, Courtney and I went to the resthome armed with flowers, pressies and good wishes.
Dad was awake and looking real well, enjoyed our rendition of "Happy Birthday", and the many of other songs we cat wailed out.  Dad seemed to even enjoy them too, and kept to the tune by tapping his foot.The kids eagerly read excepts from a book Margret and Richard had sent.  Mum rubbed some chocolate on Dads tongue, and this he really enjoyed, as taste is something he does not get to experience any more.
Keegan and Fraser were coerced into doing a dance for Dad whilst Mum played the ukele - fun for all.
We had a neat time and was great to be able to share this time with Dad on his 85th birthday.
Congrats Vicki on your tireless efforts - well done.We're all proud of you.
Cheers, Val.

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