Wednesday, 7 January 2009

2003 April - Who are we - cousins around NZ or USA

rom: Margret  (Original Message) Sent: 24/04/2003 6:39 p.m.
Slowly, our family is getting to know the website is there for them to enjoy and sometimes there is a lack of a computer for easy access.  Our new members are:
1)  Jackie - second eldest daughter of Ike and Allison, Jackie lives in the bottom half of the North Island
2)  Trish - second youngest daughter of Ike and Allison thrives on fishing in the Waikato
3)  Jam and Jasmine - same member, daughter of Terry and Marlene and she lives in Australia
4)  Rona - fourth eldest child of Tuppence and Moki lives in Wainui
5)  Sherrie - wife of Roger, is a Gaskill girl of California
6)  Wayne - son of Danny and Nola lives in Devonport
Keep the interest alive and participate.

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