Saturday, 17 January 2009

2003 March -- Reunion memories from Mari and Jack


Thanks to the foresight and confidence of Patricia (Trish) Fenton, what started off in July last year as a simple endeavour to make contact with all the Grandchildren of Nana and Pop Fenton, eventuated in a “Fenton Family Re-Union”, held in February at the Historic Owae Marae at Manukorihi, commandingly situated high above the Waitara River, with a view over the town, and the countryside to Mount Taranaki. The carved Meeting House dominates the courtyard of Owae and is without doubt the finest in Taranaki.
Right from the first contact with Trish, her mind was set on a Re-Union, well supported by Margret Brands, Aunty Mona and Aunty Ruby, things really started to happen, they checked with Roger as to the date that he could be here with Wife Sherrie and Son Rangi, the date was set by Roger for his arrival in Aotearoa and from there it was “all systems are go”.
There was a lot of organizing by these people, booking the Marae, menus to be set, food to be arranged, invitations to be sent out, program to cover the three nights and four days,(a top line program was enjoyed by all who attended).So much to do and so little time really to arrange it all, but with great credit to these People a first class Re-Union was arranged for us all. We send these people a great vote of thanks for a first class effort.
From a Personal point of view, I can say in all sincerity, that this was for Mari and I, probably the highlight of our lives, we both were very apprehensive, having never ever experienced living on the Marae before, not even for Mari, even though as a youngster she spent so much time with Nana Fenton and Aunty Tuppence.
On our arrival at the Marae on the Thursday afternoon, the first people we saw, and remember many of these people we had never ever met, having only seen photos of these people, as was the case here, the first People were Jackie and Michelle, followed by Vicki and Trish, Trish we had met a couple of days earlier in Auckland, Jackie, Michelle and Vicki had no idea who we were, however in a flash the introductions were made and a lot of hugs and kisses followed, this set the pattern for that afternoon.
.Then Margret and Aunty Ruby conducted the Powhiri, welcoming everyone onto the Marae, from there I felt everything change, filing through the Meeting House being greeted by Dennis, Uncle Hip, who had come from his Hospital bed, Aunty Mona etc, then to sit and listen to the words of welcome from Dennis, being there with the Family we were now in another world. Having collected our mattresses and set up our sleeping place we moved across to the other building to help with the forthcoming meal, or to just keep circulating meeting new Cousins and renewing old acquaintances, it was just so great, giving one a real “buzz”.
We had a most enjoyable meal, sitting at the long tables still meeting up with Family. After tea, a prayer from Dennis ,a hymn “What a friend we have in Jesus”, I do believe that this maybe Aunty Mona’s favourite. Then very well read by Margret, we had “Granddads Tale”. We then packed up and headed for the very part of the re-union that I was most concerned, to sleep, well this bloke just does not sleep at nights, due to a few health problems, sleeping at night has been a thing of the past for me. I sneaked into the Men’s toilets, changed into the sleeping gear, crept back to my bed, settling down for a long night, I gazed at the ceiling, now please excuse my ignorance, I looked at the centre beam which runs the full length of the Meeting house, then off that centre beam, either side were sixteen cross beams, my mind starting working immediately, is there a story here, are those sixteen cross beams meant to be ribs attached to the spine or backbone, however this was as far as I got because the next thing I knew it was 6.00am,I had slept all night, Mari could not believe it, this was not to be the only night as I slept like a log on each of those three nights, I cannot recall when I last slept like this. Some of the Cousins offered reasons for this, and I must say that I do believe what Vicki said to me, she told me” that you are feeling so relaxed, happy and comfortable being among so many people who love each other”. I am happy to accept that explanation.
It was great to get up each morning, shower, wander off to the kitchen, cook the toast, do anything that needed doing, so many willing hands, help with the dishes,(I can prove this as I have a photo),Mari took it as it something that she is not seen happen too often(that is according to Mari).
The visits to the Rona Road Homestead (where Mari was born), bought back many happy memories of Nana Fenton and my introduction to whitebait (this is another story, too long to tell).the visit to The Family Cemetery, along with the ancient sites, with most interesting stories by Dennis and anyone else who wanted to add to these commentaries, a really interesting morning.
The visit that night to the Pukekura Park for the “Carnival of lights”, didn’t everyone enjoy that, especially the “littlies”, Mari wouldn’t buy me an ice cream. Then back to hear the story of the “cunning” of Cousin Roger when attending the auction to buy the racing car previously owned by Paul Newman over there in the U.S.of A.
Saturday, following another good brekkie, the Church Service in that cute little Church at the Maori Mission, where we once again sung Aunty Mona’s favourite “What a friend we have in Jesus”. The timing of this Church Service could not have been planned better, because what followed was a wonderful visit to the Waitara Cemetery, to pay our respects to Pop Fenton and to the Parents of several of the Cousins, it was really a touching time, to hear Dennis introduce the Grave which we were now at, how members of the Family added additional comments, to see the Children make their own acknowledgements, it was a sad time and I on a couple of occasions had to step back a pace as emotion gathered. I watched one Cousin, her eyes fixed on, probably a tree, didn’t blink at all but I could see her body shaking, I really felt for her, this really got to me.
We then returned to Owae for lunch and some free time to gather ones thoughts after such a moving morning.
That night was another lovely Dinner and of course the “Cutting of the cake”, how lovely to see Uncle Hip there again, this time to cut the cake along with the oldest and youngest Cousins Mari and Vicki.
The evening concluded with a meeting of the Cousins, then a lot of chatter as this was our last night together after such a great Re-Union, talk went on deep into the night.

Sunday, out of bed and pack up the sleeping gear, clear up, make our sad farewells, this was once again a very emotional time, having found each other after so many years now it was time to say good bye again, lots of hugs, cuddles and kisses, tears in the eyes and lump in throat, I heard someone say “if they have all enjoyed themselves so much, why the tears”,
Mari and I stood there waving farewell as the cars departed, a truly wonderful time, but like all good things, they must come to a close, however lets all stay in contact, get those pens,e-mails and telephones going, we have all found each other, lets keep it that way, stay in touch with each other, doesn’t have to be every day but every so often,.
As I said at the beginning, this to Mari and I has probably been the “Highlight” of our lives.
Look forward to keeping in touch with you all, loved meeting with you,
Good health and Farewell,
Arohanui, Mari and Jack.

1 comment:

Jack McDonald said...

Looking back,one cannot help but wonder just what a pity it has been that there has not been some continuation of contact between the Cousins,we tried hard by producing a Family Newsletter,"Whanau in touch" but due to lack of support we were forced to pull the plug and pack it up.It was a very interesting and successful venture tracking down all the Cousins but I guess what was of interest to us was of no interest to many of the Cousins,however "Nothing ventured,nothing gained",Happy New Year to all,Jack and Mari..