Wednesday, 7 January 2009

2003 April - Kerry Taylor - phoning from Waitara

From: Jack and Mari  (Original Message) Sent: 27/04/2003 8:19 p.m.
Saturday night Jack and I were sitting relaxing enjoying a drink after another one of Jack's cooked Dinners,when our telephone started ringing,I answered it and what a lovely surprise,it was Kerry Taylor,we were just so thrilled.
We had a great chat  with him catching up on all activities since the re-union.This is just so good,how the Cousins are keeping contact with each other,we cannot thank Trish enough for that determination of hers in  insisting that we had a re-union,I think that we should give all this Cousin contact a name "Keeping The Dream Alive".
This is just great,thank you Kerry for that very welcome call.

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