Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Daniel Fenton - a pen picture

Daniel Frederick Fenton was born in Waitara on 7 September 1939.

Moved to Sanders Avenue, Takapuna with mother Zoe and brother Ronnie.
Later ,sister Judy was born when they were living there.
Remembers going to Rona Road and a big hangi; Judy had measles, Ronnie whooping cough and Danny with chicken pox, shared the same bedroom, probably Nana's.
Moved to house in Nelson Street, Waitara - good years - attended Public School then St Josephs
Left Waitara, again, approx 1950 to Takapuna. Attended highschool at Northcote College and played rugby. Enjoyed swimming, rowing, Army Cadets, GIRLS, anything but schoolwork - good place to eat lunch! Left after 4th form with canemarks still on his nono.
Wanted to join the Merchant Navy, Uncle Fred said NO! Began work at Waitemata Electric Power Board as a meter tester assistant for 3 months then transferred to Line Staff serving next 32 years in this industry.
Worked in NZ, Australia, Solomon Islands and in OZ met a Beautiful woman and is till married and madly in love these 43 years later to Nola who is still waiting to see the money.
They have two children: Wayne and Cindy. Wayne, married to Janne, have two daughters, Jennifer and Megan. Cindy, wife of Peter, has three daughters, Olive and Rebecca and Katie.
Left the power board and began commercial fishing working as a deckhand and passing exams to become a Skipper and bought own vessel. Life meant starting at 4am and finishing around 11pm.
Back on dryland and work started in a petrol station, then onto the Kopu timber mill for Carter Holt Harvey and Danny enjoyed the two years of working in various departments and passing exams to become a Kiln Operator. Transferred to Kumeu mill.
Also worked on an oil rig off South Australia as a rigger, also on the ill-fated Westgate Bridge; AND whilst boarding with Uncle Ike and Aunty Allison, worked on the gutboard and in the hide room at Borthwicks's Waitara Freezing Works.
Loves hunting with deerstalking; wallaby culls, pig hunting with brother Ronnie.
Loved the sea and joined the surf club at Takapuna beach gaining bronze and surf medallions.
Made own tin canoe, aided by Uncle Fred and pitch/tar from the council roads. Uncle Fred helped build a dinghy-Z class yacht-I.A shared with Ronnie and crewed by Judy. International 14 footer next and 18 foot keelers as crew. Competed in coastal racing and became the Commodore of the Devonport Yacht Club.

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