Wednesday, 7 January 2009

2003 May - Remembering, and Queen's Birthday Weekend - Aunty Tuppence

From: Margret  (Original Message) Sent: 25/05/2003 2:46 p.m.
Dear Everyone (Pictured on walk up to Nana Fenton's Rona Road home: Margre Fenton, Robyn & Pam Eriwata and Roger Fenton
One thing about Queen's Birthday Weekend - well, its not her real birthday is it.  I was talking to my friend Pam, the one whose aunt Maraea Bailey was the best friend of Aunty Tuppence.  Anyway, Pam's Dad, nicked named Choc, who lived next to Mum and Dad's (Mona and Hip)  in Blake Street, where Pam was brought up; she was my bridesmaid incidentally.  This time of the year is the encroaching anniversary date of his death, the day that her sister Robyn has her birthday.  Same day. A bit sad for them.  But it's Robyn's birthday, so we're figuring out on separating the anniversaries.  Nearest Sunday for Choc and Robyn can enjoy her day.  Now, I heard yesterday that New Zealand celebrates QBWeekend, Australia does, but not the UK.  We give ourselves a holiday.   SO, what are you doing this weekend?  My car's getting traded in. 
I have been getting into strife trying to squeeze into the lowlying Miata, nearly nine great year's, in a RED car.  I have not been a member of the NZ Miata car club for years although I read that Rona is in a car club.  Continuing with cars, cousin Danny, yes Uncle Fred's boy, is working in the Car Mile in North Shore City, driving customer's car worth a house and more.  Danny was even scooting around Fenton's Circus near Paratai Drive the other day.  We cannot afford such a Mercedes but are in Toyotaland. 
The sky above is noisy with Kingston's jump plane doing its business.  Along with Richard's visiting English cousin Julie, I drove us to see Kingi at Whenuapai airport an hour ago, its about the last freedom top-off (the car) ride in the MX5!!  Richard rang, a few minutes ago, to tell me what the trade in offer is.  Bye, bye MX5.
Jack had his visit completed to the Prince Charles Hospital the other day.  He has postponed the trip whilst he 'attended his wife's family re-union' in New Zealand.  You got to believe that we all benefitted by their presence.  Mari, along with her daughter and son-in-law went to see the film Whale Rider, the second viewing for Mari, first for the others.  Mari's son-in-law, Michael , was deeply moved by the essence of the story.  If you haven't seen the film, go see it, but read the book afterwards.
If you're in the Antipodes, Enjoy Queens Birthday.
Love from Margret

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