Wednesday, 7 January 2009

2003 February - Mona & Hip's wedding when fish'nchips was the wedding breakfast

om: Margret  (Original Message) Sent: 6/02/2003 3:13 p.m.
 Long ago, just where the Dowding Place property of Mrs Lila Taylor met Domettt Street, many of the family were her boarders.  Her son, Ralph Taylor, was great mates with Tui Fenton.  After the wedding of Mona and Hip at the Waitara Methodist Church, Kerry , Ralph's son remembers it as this:
Kerry was aged 9 years and on the wedding day, which was a school day, Hip would not take time off work to get married and only an afternoon would suffice.  Kerry went to school as usual, his Mum and Dad were witnesses at the wedding and whilst things went on, Hughie looked after Kerry and they later joined in the wedding breakfast of FISH 'N CHIPS

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