Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Eleanor Decima Fenton (Tuppence) - a pen picture

Laurie Ward's whakapapa says that Tuppence was born on 3 September 1926 and died in 1962. She was buried in the Waitara Cemetry in Plot 1507. She married Moki Patuwairua and they had five children: Dennis Tama, Teri Temoko, Laura Maurerangi, Rona Pikitu and Joanna Moana.

Aunty Tuppence featured in lots of photos at the Waitara Central School reunion display in 2000. She seemed to be in every possible sports team.

Mari's memories about her aunt: As for Tuppence, she tried to teach me at 10 years old to drive the old truck on the main road, and one time she took me to the Waitara flicks and we saw Hoppalong Cassidy and came back to the farm covered in fleas. Tuppence taught me the tune of ‘In the Mood’ on the old piano, you know it’s the only thing I can play. Tuppence also taught me to chop the heads off the chooks, pluck them and pull the innards out, she used to laugh at me. I think it was the faces I pulled.
I heard that Aunty was a gung-ho driver and perhaps drove with or for Chattertons of Waitara, a young woman driving 'artics'

She had an autograph book and coveted the signatures of New Zealand's wrestlers, including Lofty Blomfield, Earl McCready. There were some comments made by friends and siblings too.

Her eldest son, Dennis, was a candidate for the Te Hauaruru seat during the previous elections and campaigned very hard. He attended the campaign meeting at Eden Park, Auckland with wife Irene and son Adam and myself. Quite exciting to see politics in action and how the hecklers interjected and were rejected, that's when MP Gerry Brownlee did some pushing down the stairs.

A very good schoolfriend for Tuppence was Maraea Bailey who just lived around the corner on Pennington Road

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