Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Meeting my Cousins at the Reunion

Meeting my cousins
Jack and I are now settling back in Brisbane after a wonderful 3 weeks in Kiwi land. Our highlight was of course “the reunion”. We both were wondering how it would all go. Meeting cousins we had never met and how many would be there?

We were thrilled when arriving at the Owae Marae to be greeted by so many of the Fenton family.

Our first time sleeping in the marae was a real experience for us both.. We had fun dragging our own mattresses out, making our beds, lots of talk and laughter about.

So many beds either on side of the meeting house.

I must tell you, jack never sleeps at night here in Brisbane, I just couldn’t believe for the three nights there he slept so soundly…. So suggested that we should get rid of our bed and keep the mattress when we get back to Brisbane!!!!!!!!!!!The weather was perfect for the weekend, so we were able to visit many places, such as the Rona Road homestead, Uncle Hip’s historical findings, nana Fenton’s grave, the smallest and loveliest church i have been in. A very peaceful feeling laying flowers at the Waitara cemetery. The trip to Pukekura Park to see the “lights”. The children had a happy time laughing all around the park that evening.

Back to the meals which were well planned by Auntie Mona, just loved the way that we all pitched in with the preparation and cooking of these, we sure ate well… it was lovely to see uncle hip there at most of the outings,, also dear Auntie Ruby, it must have been wonderful to have the Fenton family around them.

The dinner on Saturday night was great,,, a lot of preparation , there was pork, beef, chickens, vegetable, and salads, followed by a steamed pudding and pavlovas…the huge cake organised by Val was very cleverly done with photos of Nana, Pop, Fred, Jack, Tui, Rita, Hip, Ike and Tuppence on the top of the cake,.

Margret and Richard were very busy with the computer, and loved “Granddad’s tales”.

Roger was hilarious with his visit to the auction to buy Paul Newman’s racing car…

Kerrie was always busy rolling the video camera. Dennis was very interesting with the knowledge of history around the area. So, sadly it all had to come to a end, it was hard saying cheerio to all my lovely new found cousins.. Please keep in touch; having been an only child, I now have that lovely feeling that I have many brothers and sisters…

Much love Mari. Xxxxxxxxx

1 comment:

eleanor patuwairua said...

when is the next fenton reunion