Tuesday, 6 January 2009

2004 March - Darryn's story, Val & Mal celebrate their 20th anniversary in Thailand & Bali

From: val  (Original Message) Sent: 22/03/2004 10:37 p.m.
Congratulations Margret.
A really well written story and accompanying graphics.
Is surely a credit to him, and his love of  "engineering " follows the family penchant for this.
Saturday sees Malcolm an I head off on a 17 day trip to Thailand and Bali, it is to be our 20th wedding anniversary - so we are looking forward to it immensely.
We were to travel to Brisbane for a few days, but work committments put paid to this - so next time.
Mum will stay at our house and look after the kids - so fingers crossed.
This will be good for her, as she can get to spend time with the kids and it is not too far to the resthome.
Great to hear about your racing Roger  - well done and Congratulations too.
Fraser Lodge, pictured (age 18 at the time),  also celebrated his 14th birthday on the 1st of March.
Mum and Dad are both well and send their love.
Love to all
Val and Family

1 comment:

Mrs Margret said...

From: Margret Sent: 23/03/2004 8:54 p.m.
Dear Val
You can't help but admire Darryn and his quiet fortitude. Mum said that Julie has been wallpapering and gardening and this was dispatched to Jack for inclusion in the next newsletter. I reckon DJ will see more credit to Julie's hard work going online/newsletter and rush home and do more craftsman work.
I looked at your wedding invitation yesterday as I thought your 20th was due and see its for 7th April. I hope that the trip to the East is enjoyable and a reward for your, as Mum calls it, 'Val's schoolwork', towards your degrees.

PS It is Darryn in the pinup photo, eh!