Saturday, 20 December 2008

Uncle Ike

From: MSN NicknameJohnS238  (Original Message) Sent: 14/05/2008 1:12 a.m.
Dear Margret,You never cease to make me wonder where you find all these photographs,stories etc on the Whanau,having spent some time looking at this photo I am convinced that yes it is Uncle Ike.
I have sent this photo on to Jackie,I know that she will be thrilled to receive it and will no doubt pass it on to her Sisters Michelle,Trish and Vicki who will all be very proud to view it.
The Fenton Family owe you a lot Margret,you have done so much in tracking down photos and stories of all our Whanau,when photos such as this are found and forwarded to the Families concerned it gives one  lovely feelings,it makes one feel proud and it brings with it wonderful memories.Please keep up the good work,it is very much appreciated,lots of love to you, Arohanui,Mari

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