Friday, 26 December 2008

Made for me or a Maid for you? 2005 and whakapapa update by Kellie Whale

From: Margret Sent: 30/05/2005 11:07 p.m.
Dear Rona
Glad to read your news and views.  I had hoped you would surface after Sherrie's trip and thank goodness you have.  Comparing notes with Jack and Gerald will make us knowledgeable about matters of the heart.  Easy to remember Eugene's birthday, for sure.  Don't worry about Kellie Whale's whakapapa as I had already keyed in the Laurence Ward whakapapa.  Her work will be extraordinary with having the updates from various whanau sent in direct to her.  I had updated much of the offspring of Nana Fenton's moko and had sent it to Kellie as an aid if needed.
I could do with a Maid, but Teri would be heartily sick of working at our place.
Eugene has a great outlook of future planning; you certainly have a hard shift-work pattern to deal with.
Take care with those trials and tribulations and keep on contributing.
Love from Margret


Mrs Margret said...

From: kiwibanshee Sent: 30/05/2005 11:32 p.m.
Hi Rona,

Thanks for your lovely comments. I have had some great emails full of information. I hope to send you all an update soon but it just keeps growing more and more everyday!

I am working on John David's 1st marriage to Rebecca Evetts at present with great results,
I have made contact with a few of their grand children.

One thing I am trying to track down... does anyone have a copy of John Davids's death certificate before I go ahead and send away for one?

Kellie (Adlam Family Tree Co-ordanator)

Mrs Margret said...

From: Sherrie Sent: 31/05/2005 9:54 a.m.
Hi, Rona,

Great to hear your news again, so glad you got the email account hassles straightened out so we could all enjoy your writing again. I'm curious about your job, that you work nights. Anyway, just enjoyed reading all the news, including cricket slang, and welcome back to the website.


Mrs Margret said...

From: Danny Sent: 1/06/2005 11:17 a.m.
Hi Rona and Sherrie,
I'm glad you are both back. I've been having terrible withdrawal symptoms of late, due
to the lack of your wonderfull exchanges.
Love you Both,
P.S. Rona could you please send new E/mail address, Ta