Saturday, 20 December 2008

2008 has arrived

From: MSN NicknameMoonflower231  (Original Message) Sent: 4/01/2008 10:45 p.m.
Hi Y'all,
Well whanau I have just had my first trip out of lil ole NZ.  Yep afta all this time, I finally made it. Terri and I made the pilgrimage across the "ditch" along with my two sistas and had Xmas with our Brother Terry and his whanau in Melbourne.  We all thoroughly enjoyed the trip, but unfortunately I caught a real bad case of the Travel Bug and now I want to go, and can go (when I save up) to a lot of places Ive dreamed of going. Hopefully???  
We had a great time with Terry and his family.  The only one missing was our Big Brother who was at home looking after his mokos.  As per usual Xmas was a time of over indulgence in food, drink and shopping!!  But oh it was a lot of fun.  The weather was extremely kind to us when we were there.  It began with wind and rain when we arrived, and gradually got hotter by the day, and when we left it was 40 degrees - getting back to Wellington with a temperature of 15/16.  A big difference.  Melbourne is a very pretty city and it's going to take at least another 3-4 visits before I see all I want to see there. It felt just like home.  Truly.
Laura's youngest daughter is working in Canada. Mount Louise?? and our next adventure (next year we are hoping) is a visit to see her.  That's the plan at the moment, but as we all know things happen - not all of them good, but life is for living and we plan to do just that!  As long as our finances live up to what we want to do.
So whanau, it may be a "long time between drinks" that Im in touch with you, BUT all the very best to you all for the year 2008 and as always my love to you all.


Mrs Margret said...

From: Makalu2 Sent: 7/01/2008 10:55 a.m.
Dear Rona

Travel broadens the mind no matter where you travel. Good on you and your daughter for making the pilgrimage to Melbourne. Place some pictures up of your trip, please. Canada is a place to aim for. Go do it. Yes, costs a lot - but look for specials.

Arohanui, Margret

Mrs Margret said...

From: Adam3558 Sent: 11/01/2008 12:18 a.m.
Well Done Aunty! Welcome to Australia! Ha ha! If I had known, I would have came down to Melbourne to see you all as I was still in Sydney for Xmas! Would have bee good as I haven't seen Uncle Terry since Koko's tangi which is a long time ago! Well I haven't posted anything on the whanau blog for a long time as well, so I though I'd jump on the band wagon and send some love to the whanau for the New Year! Just an update on me, I'm living down Wollongong, which is about an hour south of Sydney! Moved down here for work, been here since I came back from Ireland! Well, I'll end it here! Much Aroha to the whanau again and hope to see you all soon! He mihi nunui kia koutou ra katoa! Ate wa! Adam!