Monday, 5 January 2009

2004 September ... Letter to Brother Ronnie

From: Makalu2  (Original Message) Sent: 29/09/2004 12:09 a.m.
28 September 2004 - Letter to Ronnie ...
Dear Ronnie and Marie
How are you guys?  All fit and well I hope?  we are just starting to come right after a big dose of the 'Flu!  Into the 4th week of retirement and time is going that fast at the moment that I'm not sure how I found time to get crook.
The first week went great: I went fishing for two days of the week, Monday and Thursday.  Nothing caught, not even a bite!  Didn't matter though as it was just nice to be out there.
At the end of the first week on the Saturday, there was a get together at Margret and Richard Brands' Herald Island place with some of the descendants of Nanna and Pop: Hughie Taylor and his wife, Robyn, Bryan Taylor and his wife, Pam, Gloria Fenton, Danny Fenton, and of course, Nola.  Trish couldn't make it and Joey, Auntie Tuppence's daughter, did not come.  To be fair, Joey had just become a Grandmum and probably was tied up with her mokopuna.  What my fishing plan was, was to have caught plenty and smoked them, and taken them for a feed, but in the end, a Sally Lunn had to do!  There was plenty of kai there.  You know what, for those that did not come, we had a good gossip and talked about them behind their back!  It was really great; some of the Pig Hunting stories I told about you and myself.  Well, you can imagine, eh!  No joking, eh!  Both Margret and Richard were wonderful hostie's, and I tell you true, no one went home with an empty puku.  Next time there's a get together, I'll let you know so you can come down and make sure I'm telling, or nearly telling the truth, eh!
 In the second week, I went down to Matamata to the Totara Springs Christian Camp with Megan , who is Wayne's second daughter, along with 350 other 11 and 12 year old kids.  The children were from other Intermediate Schools.  There were ten schools, starting from Te Awamutu, up to schools near where we live on the Hibiscus Coast.  Megan was one of 30 kids representing her school, which is Belmont Intermediate.  They could participate in 30 different events, ranging from shooting, touch rugby, to croquet, etc.  You name it and they played it.
Megan won all of her events, especially swimming.  this is her first year, Form One.  Next year it will be all on when she gets into the next form up!!  She just loves sport and school and dancing, you name it and she's into it!  I get tired just watching.  It is really wonderful to see her doing things.
I arrived home on Friday, 17th, and went to bed and like a True Male, I crashed with the Real Men's Flu.  I got up a week later, on Saturday 25th, and like a silly bugger, I went to Cindy's 40th Birthday Party.  I had to go seeing that Nola and I paid for most of it, but I only lasted until 10 pm because by then Nola was really choked up with the flu!  We were disappointed not be able to throw ourselves into the evening.  What we saw of it, live band, etc, it was great.  Before leaving though, I was able to take a photo of your daughter Sue and her children, Kara and Rodney.  I've heard since that they had a wow of a night!
If anyone in Cindy's company, as you know, gets bored, well, there is not much hope for them, eh!  I had told Sue that I'd take Rodney out fishing this week but it looks like we will give it a miss due to 'flu, the weather, etc.  However, I'm a lot more flexible now that you Guys, The Taxpayers, are paying my way - sick leave and all - no o/t required either.  It looks like early October before it will happen?  Not sure that the water temp has come up yet but it won't be long though.
 Enclosed, Ronnie, there's a photo for you and Marie and I have emailed one onto Sue.  In case her copying machine is not working, I've saved a hard copy for her.
Well, Younger Brother, must away.  Before signing off, please let us know how things are going and how the rest of your family are.  Marie, how did the cartons of books go?  This should keep you going for a few months.
Nola, who is in bed with only the Girls' 'Flu, sends her love and regards to you both, and from myself, Cheers and Beers until the next time.
Your Elder Bro, Danny

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