Monday, 5 January 2009

2003 December, Herald Island Christmas Day parade, Xmas Day 1945 in Firenze

From: Makalu2 Sent: 24/12/2003 2:40 p.m.

24 December 2003 - It's not long before Christmas Day happens.  Here, on Herald Island, they will continue with a tradition that started around 1951 when the residents, whether they were Permanents or Weekenders, shared in the joy of the Christmas Day Parade.   Father Christmas has to give his reindeers a rest, after their tortuous journeys during the night, and he travels around the island whether a tractor or a horse tows his sleigh, or else he is conveyed on a fire engine.  He may give to the children balloon and sweets and to the womenfolk, a flower.  Being of the old school, he thinks that Women and Children come first.  I have enjoyed writing messages to you via email or this website; I have enjoyed reading your news in the same manner.  Best of all, the reunion, because we reached out to each other to share a multitude of experiences.  Its nearly a year ago that Kerry recorded the reunion and we await the opportunity to view it.    Thank you to Jack for his newsletter, for being the Clanfather of an interesting whanau; for the Christmas message from Dennis to lead us ... enjoy the new year.    Love from Margret

From the hands of Santa's Helper, Jack McDonald   WHANAU IN TOUCH - Keeping the Dream Alive

Nga mihimui nga whanau, whanui ki te uri o Eugene raua ko Laura Fenton mo ra kirimete me te tau hou kei te heke mai.  Kororia ki te atua e runga rawa hei maungarongo ki te mata o te whenua whakaaro pai ki nga tanga katoa.  Na ka whanau tana matamua, a takaia ana e ia nga kakahu, nga karerehe; no te mea kahore he wahi mo ratou i te whare.  I taua wahi hoki etahi hepara e noho koraha ana, e tiaki ana i ta ratou kahui i te po.  Na tu ana tetahi anahera a te Ariki i o ratou a tawhio noa; a nui whakaharahara to ratou wehi. Ruka 2: 7-9.  E te whanau titiro atawhai mai ki te hunga e pehia ana e te mauiui e te pouri, e raruraru ranei.  He karakia tatou ko Brenda, Aunty Ruby, Aunty Mona raua ko Uncle Hip.  Ma te wa aianei he minimui ano mo nga ra Kirimete me te tau hou.Arohanui,

Dennis Tamauitera Patuwairua Greetings to the Fenton descendants of Eugene and Laura Fenton for the days of Christmas and the new year.  To god in the heavens, peace on earth and good will to all men.  And she bought forth her first born son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid himin a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn'And there in the same country, shepherds abiding in the field, keeing their flock by night.  And lo the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them and they were so afraid.  Luke 2: 7-9.  We pray and have compassion on those who suffer from sickness grief or trouble.  We think and pray for Brenda, Aunty Ruby, Aunty Mona and Uncle Hip and the many of our whanau who are ill.  I take this time to once again greet you, have a merry christmas and a happpy new year.   Love to all, Dennis Tamauitera Patuwairua



 Dad's (Hip) souvenir of his time in Firenze, which has inspired Mari and Jack to tell us of their journeys through Europe, following some of the footsteps of her dad, uncle Jack.

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