From: ![]() ![]() | Sent: 10/05/2005 11:12 p.m. |
From: ![]() ![]() | Sent: 10/05/2005 11:12 p.m. |
From: Margret (Original Message) | Sent: 19/05/2005 8:13 p.m. |
Dear Whanau Sad news about Ronnie who passed away last night and is lying in state at his home in Setlement Road in Moerewa. Brother Danny has said that Ronnie's cremation will take place in Whangarei on Saturday 21 May. A notice will be in the New Zealand Herald tomorrow. Margret |
From: ![]() ![]() | Sent: 20/05/2005 12:42 p.m. |
From: ![]() ![]() | Sent: 23/05/2005 10:14 a.m. |
Tena Koutou Whanau, |
From: ![]() ![]() | Sent: 23/05/2005 10:22 a.m. |
Kia Ora Koutou, How nice it is to finally be a member of this whanau group... it's something I've been meaning to do for a long time. Thanks for the opportunity Margret - I think you've done an awesome job. ![]() Just to let you all know we'll be holding my mother's (Brenda Hinewerakape) unveiling on Queens birthday weekend. Sunday 5th June, 2pm, Waitara Cemetary, Bayly Rd, Waitara. Albie Martin will hold a brief service and afternoon tea will follow. It'd be great to see you all there, have a catch up, share some stories about Brenda and ourselves too. Hope you can all make it. Vanessa |
From: ![]() ![]() | Sent: 23/05/2005 6:41 p.m. |
It is with great pleasure and delight that Jack and I announce the arrival of our first Great Grandchild. Emma Elisabeth Foley. Emma was born ,Sunday 22nd May, Brisbane Australia.Emma is the Daughter of Nicola and Mark Foley,Nicola being the Daughter of Jo-Ann and Grand Daughter of Mari and Jack. |
From: Margret | Sent: 30/05/2005 11:07 p.m. |
Dear Rona Glad to read your news and views. I had hoped you would surface after Sherrie's trip and thank goodness you have. Comparing notes with Jack and Gerald will make us knowledgeable about matters of the heart. Easy to remember Eugene's birthday, for sure. Don't worry about Kellie Whale's whakapapa as I had already keyed in the Laurence Ward whakapapa. Her work will be extraordinary with having the updates from various whanau sent in direct to her. I had updated much of the offspring of Nana Fenton's moko and had sent it to Kellie as an aid if needed. I could do with a Maid, but Teri would be heartily sick of working at our place. Eugene has a great outlook of future planning; you certainly have a hard shift-work pattern to deal with. Take care with those trials and tribulations and keep on contributing. Love from Margret |
From: ![]() ![]() | Sent: 10/05/2005 11:12 p.m. |
From: Margret (Original Message) | Sent: 19/05/2005 8:13 p.m. |
Dear Whanau Sad news about Ronnie who passed away last night and is lying in state at his home in Setlement Road in Moerewa. Brother Danny has said that Ronnie's cremation will take place in Whangarei on Saturday 21 May. A notice will be in the New Zealand Herald tomorrow. Margret |
From: ![]() ![]() | Sent: 20/05/2005 12:42 p.m. |
From: ![]() ![]() | Sent: 23/05/2005 10:14 a.m. |
Tena Koutou Whanau, |
From: ![]() ![]() | Sent: 23/05/2005 10:22 a.m. |
Kia Ora Koutou, How nice it is to finally be a member of this whanau group... it's something I've been meaning to do for a long time. Thanks for the opportunity Margret - I think you've done an awesome job. ![]() Just to let you all know we'll be holding my mother's (Brenda Hinewerakape) unveiling on Queens birthday weekend. Sunday 5th June, 2pm, Waitara Cemetary, Bayly Rd, Waitara. Albie Martin will hold a brief service and afternoon tea will follow. It'd be great to see you all there, have a catch up, share some stories about Brenda and ourselves too. Hope you can all make it. Vanessa |
From: ![]() ![]() | Sent: 23/05/2005 6:41 p.m. |
It is with great pleasure and delight that Jack and I announce the arrival of our first Great Grandchild. Emma Elisabeth Foley. Emma was born ,Sunday 22nd May, Brisbane Australia.Emma is the Daughter of Nicola and Mark Foley,Nicola being the Daughter of Jo-Ann and Grand Daughter of Mari and Jack. |
From: Margret | Sent: 30/05/2005 11:07 p.m. |
Dear Rona Glad to read your news and views. I had hoped you would surface after Sherrie's trip and thank goodness you have. Comparing notes with Jack and Gerald will make us knowledgeable about matters of the heart. Easy to remember Eugene's birthday, for sure. Don't worry about Kellie Whale's whakapapa as I had already keyed in the Laurence Ward whakapapa. Her work will be extraordinary with having the updates from various whanau sent in direct to her. I had updated much of the offspring of Nana Fenton's moko and had sent it to Kellie as an aid if needed. I could do with a Maid, but Teri would be heartily sick of working at our place. Eugene has a great outlook of future planning; you certainly have a hard shift-work pattern to deal with. Take care with those trials and tribulations and keep on contributing. Love from Margret |
From: ![]() ![]() | Sent: 29/05/2005 6:45 p.m. |
Howdee Folks, Well it certainly has been a while since I've contirbuted anything to the website, and when I did I found I had to "resign" - get a new email address 'n' all 'cause they wouldn't let me use my usual one. I did start signing up for a new email address a few times, but something or someone seemed to get in the way. However the trials & tribulations one has to endure is simply not cricket, my dear ole things...............W H A T!!!!!! I can hear you all saying. It was the first things that came to mind! Even though I haven't contirbuted anything for a while, I have kept up with all the comings and goings within the whanau. Sherrie's great trip, which made for excellent reading, Trish's exploits and photos, all the other comings & goings - and read with sadness about Ronnie, and, happiness with the birth of Mari & Jack's great grandchild. "The Circle Of Life". Just to update you all on our own little bitsnbobs. Gerald has been in the wars again, and last month ended up back in hospital where he had to have an operation on one of his carotid arteries. They are the main ones in you neck. The first time he was in hospital,(with his heart operation) it was around the time of Eugene's birthday, this time around it was on his birthday. Makes it easy to remember I suppose. Maybe he and Jack could get together and compare scars!!!! This time around though it certainly has knocked him for a six (another cricket this going to be a recurring theme thruout this little missive?). We have been through some hard times just lately, but there is light at the end of the tunnel, I can see it really clearly. Eugene, is till working at Griffins (for now), but will soon be leaving to go back to University to finish his degree.......about time. However, his time in the work force has taught him some valuable lessons, and it has made him more determined to succeed. He has a few very close friends with whom he has set goals. Weekly, monthly, yearly - and future plans. He has told me his hopes and dreams, to which I replied. "Where does a girlfirend fit into all of this? As that is one thing that could put all those carefully made plans to one side." (Typical Mum I suppose) His reply, "Oh, sometime within the next five years or so!" Hhhmmmmmmm! Terri, is a worry at the moment. After signing up for University at the beginning of the year, it all fell to pieces when she found it just wasn't for her............well not yet anyway. Hasn't decided what she wants to do yet, and is quite happy just to stay at home.............and be my slave????? I can get up in the afternoon, (I work night shift, four nights on and four nights off 6pm-6am) and all my housework is done. LOVELY - I gotta live in maid. I love it BUT it doesn't help her. I've threatened her with - "If you don't do something soon, I'm gonna pack you up and send you away somewhere!" Any one want a live in maid going cheap! Me, I'm just plodding along trying to keep one and all happy. I have been in touch with Kellie - who is really taken on a HUGE job, updating the entire Adlam whakapapa. My compliments to you - and you go girl! Does this have any effect on what you were/are doing Margret? I've been in touch with most of our whanau, and have managed to update our whakapapa - just got a few ,more little details to finalise. Well that's my innings for now, will be in touch a little more often methinks! Lotsalove to one and all Rona |
From: ![]() ![]() | Sent: 1/06/2005 2:03 p.m. |
Hello Beautiful People, Thank you all your lovely comments and the welcome back I have received. It has certainly boosted my flagging confidence, not to mention my ego. I have been missed! Just to let you all know, I now have two email addresses. The ratpack one, and now the new one with hotmail. The hotmail one was because I went to resign for the discussion board for our website and they wouldn't let me use our home email address as they said it was already in use. Hence the need for a new name etc. Moonflower, you're thinking.............well let me tell you a little story about that. I was sitting contemplating the universe, well almost, when applying for my new hotmail address etc, and you have to have a nickname. What the hell was I gonna call myself. Lots of things came to mine, some unprintable though! I got to thinking Rona-something to do with the tides and the moon. I logged in a few names but unfortunately they were taken or the ones available were YUK. SOOOooooooooooooooo, I happened to go into our bedroom and picked up a bottle of Body Lotion I had been given as a present and lo and behold there on the bottle was "Moonflower" - That's me I thought, and duly entered the name. All I had to do was put a few numbers beind the name, and Bob's your Uncle. (My kids can never get that little joke). ![]() It's all worked out rather well too, because I've just "discovered" the Trade Me site. I couldn't use our home email address on here either because Eugene is already logged onto this site under that. I'm looking at items, and bidding for things I wouldn't really wanna put MY name to. I will let your imagination take you where it will. MY lips are sealed. So if you guys wanna get in touch, I'm still on the old email address. Lotsalove Rona |
From: ![]() ![]() | Sent: 10/06/2005 10:46 a.m. |
Kia Ora Koutou Whanau, Just a message from me regarding Brenda's unveiling. ![]() We were quite concerned leading up to Sunday. It looked like the weather wasn't going to be nice to us, even up until sunday afternoon when we were travelling out to Waitara for Mum's unveiling. But alas, the sky cleared as Nana Ruby did a karanga and the sun shone on us all afternoon. It was a beautiful day, a beautiful service held by Albie Martin and a lovely group of about 40 whanau and friends who helped us celebrate and commemorate Mum's life. Afterwards, we went back to the Mission House in Moturoa for an afternoon tea. Many thanks to Rose, Vera, Marlin and Val who helped in the kitchen to make sure everyone was well fed and watered. Aunty Mona's cream puffs were gone in a flash, much to many's dismay! We shared stories, laughed, cried and celebrated a nice afternoon to commemorate the life of a very special woman. Many thanks to all whanau and friends who attended from near and far. Thanks too to all who sent their well wishes and apologies for being unable to attend - we know your thoughts were with us on the day. Arohanui. Vanessa and Paul |
From: Sherrie (Original Message) | Sent: 17/06/2005 7:10 a.m. |
From: Sherrie (Original Message) | Sent: 18/06/2005 6:49 p.m. |
From: Margret | Sent: 8/07/2005 5:59 p.m. |
What a very sad day in London with the fatalities and injuries that resulted from the carnage. Darryn was contacted via text message after midnight NZ-time and his welcome reply was that he and Julie were okay. Their planned-for weekend trip to London will not now take place. Well, Courtney Jane, you look fabulous and I know that Mum and Dad are very proud of you. Attending the New Plymouth Girls' High School Ball in 2005 is an occasion that you will remember with pride. The basketweave hairdo shared with links of curls is the topnotch touch. Styly, choice, primo, what other superlatives, eh! You had a fabulous time. In your own right, Welcome to the website as Lil_angel. Here's news about your brother Keegan; he's been winning prizes. Yesterday morning the postman delivered a parcel: it was a fabulous book by Ron Palenski on the All Blacks and Lions, courtesy him of being a winning Sky customer. Friday night he won a Controller, one of two in the country after he successfully answered questions relating to World Wars I and II and Vietnam; his late supper arrived at 11pm last night as a winner in his workplace competitions and two Pizza Hut pizza's were delivered. He intends buying a Lotto for this weekend. Keegan is one of the invitees to attend the Clan Wars of the Gaming World to be held over the weekend. May the force be with you Hell's Soldier's ClanMaster. Auckland is experiencing weather that brings heavy rain, frosts, lots of wind, and flooded gutters. Jack has set up his own family website called, TheMcDonaldFamily; so go and have a look. Danny and Nola's granddaughter competed in waterpolo in Henderson early July weekend . Prince William of Wales is due to be an observer at the same pool this weekend. Count your blessings. Margret |
From: Margret | Sent: 17/06/2005 6:46 p.m. |
Dear Whanau and Friends, To those who emailed, phoned and sent their condolences to both Nola and myself regarding the sudden death of my Brother Ronnie, we wish to thank you very much. The pleasant memories that we have and treasure, will I'm sure, assist us with our grieving. Although Ronnie has moved on, those that had the pleasure of knowing him will know what I mean. Regards and Love to All Danny and Nola BUSY LIVES for us all Laura has made contact as has Rona. Laura mentioned that their sister Joey's son, Karl, will be celebrating his 21st birthday in June. Kingi will also be 21 next month and Keegan, living with us, will be 19. More of our whanau have June birthdays. Whose? Sherrie is to do a ten week internship studying the mass transit systems of New York City from June until end of August. Her essay skills made her a winner in her application to be an intern; she will have her own apartment, based in Brooklyn, when living in New York. I'd like to book a bedspace ANYWHERE in her New York apartment. Roger, this morning, 29 May has been home a few hours from a return trip to Georgia, his fifth to that state on behalf of company, Southern Edison. Nicola and Mark are sharing their baby's photos with us and no doubt experience the joys of parenting Emma. Happy birthday for next month to Julie and Darryn, living in Burford, Guildford, England. You're too old for presents, DJ. It doesn't pay to ride or drive in Auckland as there are nasty, nasty people who overtake on double yellow lines and hit and run. Keegan was on Hobsonville Road, just across from the island, and some mongrel did just that. Amazingly, Keegan has survived this horrid accident with minor bumps and bruises. A very lucky lad. Rona has news about husband Gerald and their children Eugene and Terri, sent out in a message. Margret |