Monday, 5 January 2009

2004 September Bits'nPieces and welcome to Butterfly - Alize J.M.M. Makiha

From: rona  (Original Message) Sent: 9/09/2004 4:48 p.m.
Howdee Folks,
It seems an age since I've sat in front of the computer.   It has been all of a week and a bit.  I am just getting over the flu, and a bad dose of it, it was too!  For the first time in something like 12-15 years I spent a day and a half in bed that sick I could hardly move.  My most charming son (and that term comes loosely at the moment) comes in and tells me I look half dead.  "I'm not half dead - I am dead" comes my reply.   It truly was horrible and I am at this stage just getting over the last of it.  I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy..............................well, I might have to think about that one. 
Anyway whanau, that's the sad news, but my reason for this little missive this time around is to tell you all the Joey, my younger sister, has become a Nanny.  I've told her, how dare she, I should be a Nanny before her cause I'm older than she is........and she blows me a raspberry!!  Typical!!  At this stage anyway I'm far from being a Nanny, my two don't show the slightest bit of interest in the opposite sex......YET.
However, to get on with the good news.  On Wednesday 8  September at approximately 6.00pm, Joey & Lionels daughter Heimaria had a baby girl - 7lb- and if you could see how tiny Heimaria is you'd wander how on earth she managed.  Mother and baby are fine, but things will no doubt be hectic in the Makiha home for a while.  The little girls name is  Alize Josephine Moana Morunga Makiha.  A big name for such a tiny wee thing, but she will affectionately be known as Butterfly.  All of Joey's children have nicknames and most of them begin with the letter "B" so the tradition will carry on with the next generation.
To Jack & Mari, the Newsletter was great as usual.  It is a pity that more of the whanau didn't get involved and I for one will miss it.  That and the website keep me in touch with family, and lately I have been having a lot of fun.  More to come I hope, I'm just cooking up my next bit of madness.
So with that I will love and leave you folks.  Laura and I may be up in Auckland sometime next month to see the new babe, and "wet the baby's head" (have a quiet drink with the new grandparents- if you can ever have quiet drinks)  so we may be in touch with all you folk who live North of the Bombay's!


Mrs Margret said...

From: Margret Sent: 9/09/2004 7:54 p.m.
Dear Rona
Its fun to read your messages. Stimulating and amusing and thought-provoking. Way backin one of your messages to Sherrie you mention a book that I bought, the Starr Report.
Thanks for news about Joey being a grandmother, Nanny. Butterfly is such a nice name to have as a nickname. Wetting the baby's head when GrandAunt Laura and GrandAunt Rona come north means must a phone call. Off I to digest yournews.

Mrs Margret said...

From: rona Sent: 10/09/2004 1:29 p.m.
Hello All,

Well I don't know if the flu has addled my brain, or whether my haircut yesterday was too short, or the fact I'm just getting old (er) and losing the plot, but I've put you all wrong. Butterfly was born on Monday 6, not Wednesday 8. How the hell I managed to mess up that particular piece of information I'm not sure. I knew I'd done something wrong, but couldn't quite figure it out. It wasn't until about 2.30am this morning, I awoke all in a sweat (not really but it sounds good) and finally realised what I'd done. Oh dear, how sad, never mind - all is well and now corrected.

Another reason for my lapse in memory could be my consignment of new books has just arrived, and I'm kinda looking forward to, with mouthwatering anticipation, reading them. I haven't read the Starr Report (yet) Margret, the book I was reading was Living History -Hillary Rodham Clinton. It took me a while to read, but she is one very strong lady. I will have to delve into the Starr Report at some stage to see what this guy actually thought he was doing!!

We may have to start an authors page or something and comment on books, authors etc that people are interested in, or a good book that they have just read. MMMmmmmmmmm just a thought.

I'm off now, I'm doing the good wife thing today and taking my husband some lunch. He couldn't be bothered making his own lunch this morning (lazybones!). So I did the only thing possible, after turning down his invitation to make his lunch - I told him I'd buy it for him. So I'm off to McD's to get something highly unsuitable, but who cares!

Bye Y'all