Monday, 5 January 2009

2004 November - Eugene's 21st birthday

From: rona  (Original Message) Sent: 4/11/2004 10:52 a.m.
Hi Y'all Whanau,
On 19 November we celebrate our Eugene's 21st Birthday.  Gosh how time has flown.  We are at this stage debating as to what should be done.  He would like to treat it as another day, and thinks it is nothing special.  Well I suppose for this up and coming generation "18" is the big deal age.  That's when you can vote, go into bars and do all the other things that an adult can do.  HOWEVER, Mother has another plan and is at present organising a small family get together - as they would like to aknowledge him, even if he doesn't want it.  At the moment small is a number like 50 - and THAT is just immediate family!! 
Just as an aside to all this commotion, 'my Baby' (Terri) is at her last day of High School.  Oh how sad!  Last night we attended the Senior Prizegiving ceremony where she received an award, and her cousin was announced as Head Girl for next year.  If was a great night for our Whanau (on Gerald's side).  I sat their with tears in my eyes when each of them went up for their respective awards. I'm a real sook when it comes to things like this.  She is off to University next year, but at the moment is unsure as to what path she will follow.  That will be tackled in earnest after the exams.
So my whanau, I'm off to create havoc for Eugene, buy congratulatory gifts for both my daughter and niece, and then decide what we can have that will be nice for tea...................."like sands thru the hourglass; so are the days of my life",  which are filled with happiness at the moment.
Warm fuzzies all aound whanau


Mrs Margret said...

From: Margret Sent: 4/11/2004 1:10 p.m.
Dear Rona

I reckon that Eugene will remember his 21st. Even though many 18 year olds enjoy that birthday, many kids around here STILL LOVE to have their 21st.
I've been saying farewell to the Year 13s and Year 11s today and some I have been very sad to say goodbye to.
Thanks for sharing us your thoughts on Teri, Eugene and your niece with her success at Head Girl.
Love from the islander, Margret

Mrs Margret said...

From: Danny Sent: 4/11/2004 7:14 p.m.
Dear Rona, I wish to endorse what Cousin Margaret says.Also add that it's nice to grow old and shed those tears of Joy. When we were young we cried different tears. Not now, we know better.
Love to All, Danny

Mrs Margret said...

From: MariJack1 Sent: 5/11/2004 2:22 a.m.
Dear Rona,what an exciting time you have ahead of you,preparing for Eugenes 21st Birthday.I still believe that one's 21st Birthday is the "coming of age".The 21st Birthday in our day,we are talking about early fifties now,it was definately THE occassion,it was indeed an honour and it was celebrated by the gathering of all your Family and I mean all,Parents,Grand Parents,Aunties,Uncles,Cousins,they all came regardless of distance,all your good friends,usually held in a Hall on the Saturday night,,the Birthday notice would appear in that Saturday nights paper,no worries of gate crashers in those days.One of the interesting things were the presents given in those days,especially compared to these days,those days the presents for a young Man was the traditional watch from his Parents,the Brother usually bought a quality cigarette lighter,engraved,top of the range then was the Ronson,remembering of course that in those days most Blokes smoked,other popular presents consisted of a leather wallet,also engraved,a pewter tankard,a fountain pen and one present which I think every young guy got,a Barometer.Everyone arrived at the Party well dressed,the blokes all wore ties,the girls in their best dresses,hair all spruced up,everyone danced,in those days everyone new Ballroom Dancing,as this was our main entertainment on a Saturday night,you learnt quick because if you could not Dance,then you had no show of getting a Girl to take home,so you really learnt fast.Having celebrated your special occassion that night,you walked away with that feeling that you were now really "Grown Up"and you were now accepted into that next phase of life.It was something that you were proud to have achieved,I do dribble on don't I,

love to all,Jack and Mari.