Tuesday, 6 January 2009

2004 July - Danny's forthcoming retirement - support from his cousins

From: Margret  (Original Message) Sent: 8/07/2004 12:00 a.m.
7 July 2004
Dear Danny
It will be just over seven weeks and you will have achieved one of life's objectives and that is retirement from the work force.    I am pleased to have shared your almost weekly countdown towards this momentous date that you have worked for.
Not much more time when the driving the the Mercedes and other elite marque cars will be under your fingertips unless your buy your own concours d'elegance lineup as such. 
When you have time to reply, just reply via the Hotmail account that this message comes to you and I'll view, AND OTHER WHANAU members too, will read your expected scintillating and witty reply, Bud!
Regards from the Islander


Mrs Margret said...

From: Richard Sent: 8/07/2004 6:30 p.m.
Hello Danny
Just to tell you that last weekend Kingston went up to Paihia and might be
going again this weekend. Do you think that Ronny will be home late sunday
afternoon's in Moerewa?

Mrs Margret said...

From: Danny Sent: 8/07/2004 10:13 p.m.
Dear Margret,
At long last! It's taken over twelve month's to get this far! I can't thank you enough for your patience and your calm endurance in bringing me to this point. ( only wish the teachers at school in my early years were as patient).
Before you get to carried away Cuz ,Jack , Mari and Richard have also played a big part in getting me up and running again! Thank's Guys!
Margret I wish to endorse your comments re- The Newsletter.Jack we love it! Please keep at it.
What that Bryan,Buck,Joe and many other alias Taylor said in the Newsletter was quiet true? He was my Hero and Mentor then and still is today.
Cheers and Beers to All,

Mrs Margret said...

From: Danny Sent: 8/07/2004 10:24 p.m.
Dear Richard, Wow! two messages in one night.Just love it! Yes Ronnie should be home. His address is
221 New Settlement Rd, Moerewa, PH, 094041320. Easy to find. If you've arrived at the freezing works you have gone abit to far.Cheers and Beers Danny

Mrs Margret said...

From: MariJack1 Sent: 9/07/2004 1:42 a.m.
Gidday Danny,Six or seven weeks to go to retirement,well earned Mate,after all those long years of striving to do your best you are now about to bring down the curtain and join with us in sitting back relaxing,(who is kidding who).

Danny you are now going to run around like a one armed paper hanger,catching up on all those bits and pieces that Nola has been asking you to do for so long.A few words of wisdom Danny,whatever you do,do not interfere with the running of the house,I made this mistake when I finished working 13 years ago,what I did was this,Mari went to New Zealand to attend a Birthday,while she was away I decided to make the kitchen an easier place for her to work in,I re arranged the stock in all the cupboards along with a few other adjustments.Mari returned from her break,had one look in the kitchen,called out to me to come in and sit down,I was then told in no uncertain manner that the kitchen had operated most successfully for the past 36 years,I put everything back the way that I found it and everything settled down again.It does take quite a while to settle properly as it is a new life getting use to being with each other fulltime,but once it settles you would never have it any other way ,in fact you find you do so much together,understand each other a lot more and life just gets so much better.Once again well done Danny
,All the best Jack and Mari

Mrs Margret said...

From: raf Sent: 9/07/2004 8:26 a.m.

I would like to reiterate Danny's comments about Jack. I track the family
website on a regular basis and find Jacks newsletter a focal point for our
families comings and goings. He has put together an outstanding job and it
is always a pleasure to read and discover new tid bits of information.

Recently we had Michael and Barbara Cooper stay over for a week after
touring Nebraska, Kansas and Colorado. Mike and I grew up together. On
the homefront here in Upland (yeah that's the name of my town) we had a
great 4th of July weekend by camping out in our back yard and having a
barbeque with the family. The local high school which is just up the road
1/2 block puts on a big fireworks show where you can go to pay for a seat
in the grandstands. But being cheap bugger I get to kick back in my back
yard and get drunk in private. My brother in -law Larry, provide the tunes
for the evening which complemented the brilliant display of sound and
colour with the tunes of Lynard Skynard - Freebird punctuating the grand
finale for the big bang finish. For some of you out there you can view
the fireworks by accessing the web cam site for Cable Airport. You will
see 2 views, one is to the north showing the aircraft parking lot with the
control tower and a restaurant called Mad Mikes. We usually go there for
breakfast on Sundays and pose for the NZ web tourists. The San Gabriel
mountains are in the background with 3 mountains at 8, 8, 10 thousand feet.
Old Baldy is the name of the big one. For comparison Mt. Egmont (Taranaki)
is at 8000 ft. The south cam view isn't that exciting because it looks to
the south where you would see the fireworks show; we live 1 mile away. I
took Rangi out to a substation yesterday and he was oblivious to the 500kv
equipment but enjoyed reading his book. He has summer holidays at the
moment and will be going to Portland in about 2 weeks to visit his sisters
in Portland for 3 week. He has been busy playing with kids in the
neighbourhood, doing video games (what kid isn't nowadays). He was amazed
when I commented to him last night that we never had computers or video
games during our childhood. I started to explain further that we didn't
even have calculators but used slide rules. Since the conversation had
shifted off video games I could see his eyes glaze over and unconscious
fidgeting begin, so I quit. Sherrie is still 1 month into her new job a
jet mechanic doing what she was trained for. The aviation industry is
still in the doldrums and may not pick up for 1-2 years. The nearest job
she could get is st Van Nuys. What makes the situation difficult is the 55
mile daily commute (110 roundtrip) plus nightschool to finish up a 4 year
degree. Long commutes in LA is a fact of life here for many people. It
tends to wear her down at the end of the day especially if accidents
increase the delay for 2 1/2 hr. It is a luxury to have a 10 minute drive
to work. Ronald Reagan had a funny comment years ago. He said that he
cant wait to get back to LA from Washington, he didn't trust air that he
couldn't see. So in the meantime we have more people, more cars, less
freeways and more smog. Well more later.

regards rog

Roger Fenton

Mrs Margret said...

From: MariJack1 Sent: 9/07/2004 7:51 p.m.
Well done Danny,you are about to join the Ranks of the Retired,this is a very noble achievment.Following all those past years,running to the clock,up every morning,shave,breakfast,kiss the lovely Lady byebye jump into the car or run down the Road to catch Public Transport,well Mate all of a sudden this will be a thing of the past.Believe me it does take a little time to settle in,it is a very big change of life,however if you take it all slowly you will find yourself loving and enjoying very much a complete new life with your Lady Love.Start off by giving Nola a great surprise,take her a cup of tea into bed each morning,say nice things to her,make her feel real good,then tell her what you have planned for the day (only joking).You will find that you just have so much time to sit together over a cup of coffee planning a little outing here or a bit of lunch by the sea somewhere,not far away,the old saying that life begins at forty (40),it may have changed a bit then but this Mate is where life really changes and believe me it is a real change for the best,your life is about to move into A1 Super.You are going to wonder after a little while how you had the time to go to work because you will be just so busy making the most out of this lovely new life,Good luck to you both Danny and Nola,sit back and enjoy those sunsets etc,lots of love to you both,Mari and Jack

Mrs Margret said...

From: Danny Sent: 9/07/2004 11:18 p.m.
Dear Roger and Family, This is just fab, all around the world and here is a Cuz, having a beer in his backyard!! Celebrating their Independance. It won't be long and I reackon we will be doing the same thing?
The description of your Country sounds just wonderfull, almost as good as N.Z. eh! Serious though please tell us more.You guys must of been lucky to have slide rules, all we had was our finger's and toe's, that's if they wern't frostbitten of course! Hey Rog, how do you get on for shellfish and fish over there? I can't imagine being out of earshot distance of the sea.Probably turn into a pumkin! So nice to be in touch.Love to All
Danny F Fenton opp's and Nola

Mrs Margret said...

From: MariJack1 Sent: 9/07/2004 11:25 p.m.
To Dear Nola,, From a wife who knows all about retirement... when Jack started his retirement, my very close friend said to me... "It will take you over a year to get to know one another again" of course I POO POOED the advice,,, but guess what,,, she was right...Where are you going'? What are you doing?
I had to go to New Zealand, came back and all the kitchen cupboards had been changed around. I had my friends ring me to say "Come to the films" or have lunch in town. I would grab my hat and coat and fly out of the door...Jack took over the watering of our plants, (I wasn't doing it properly) I wasn't wiping the bench down properly,he took over washing the car,oh there were many things through that year,,, BUT !!!!!! after all that, we both settled down, and just wouldn''t change anything , we love our days out,, we enjoy being members of the R.S.L, and League clubs, sometimes meet the families for lunches.. Love taking a thermos and picking out places to watch the world go by.we have favourite places that we really enjoy. Life is just so relaxing for both Jack and Myself we found one another and life is A.O.K.

Mrs Margret said...

From: Danny Sent: 12/07/2004 10:57 p.m.
Hey guys Thank You for the kind thought's.Yes fifty yrs of being on time, safety footwear and plenty of other things that go with earning a living are about to end. Although I must admit I've been in training for it for the last 49years & 11 months,3weeks and 4&1/2 days!( not really'I've been very lucky and spoilt to have got this far)
I know Nola is feaking out! But I'll let her tell the story in her own words (Aussie style Eh!)
Love to All Cheers and Beers Danny F F

Mrs Margret said...

From: Danny Sent: 15/07/2004 11:00 a.m.
Dear Mari , well hello to you,thank you for your kind words of wisdom, i have heard of that so often how the husband likes to take over things, no im sure he has got the message by now, he only cookes his fish in my kitchen and thats all? he has got plenty of things to keep him busy, i have got a huge list of things for him to do around the house apart from that he wants to join the coast guard and heaps of other things, plus we can go away and stay in our caravan when we want to etc, he really is looking forward to retirement it will be nice to be able to do things together, but strange for sure.at first.I might even get him to teach me how to use the computer. well my friends i must go as we are pretty tired, as we go rock and rolling every tuesday night , thats our thing and we just love it we take our grandaughter Olivia with us . hope you are both well as we are here, take care,
lots of love Nola xxxxxxxx