Monday, 5 January 2009

2004 December - Christmas Greetings from Mari and other cousins

From: MSN NicknameMariJack1  (Original Message) Sent: 18/12/2004 12:45 a.m.
Jack and I would like to take this opportunity of extending Christmas Greetings to all the whanau,Christmas is a time for reflection,of times gone by,and times to come,shared with people you care about,it's a time to be enjoyed by everyone.Make the most of the Company of your Whanau,as we will be doing here in Brisbane.With the very high temperatures here so many people enjoy a Christmas Dinner of cold meat cuts,prawns,salads etc,but not us expat Kiwis,we will be sitting down to the traditional Christmas Dinner that we always had while living in Aotearoa,Turkey,stuffing,cranberry sauce,Lamb,mint sauce,roast spuds,kumara's, along with the usual greens and followed by the good old Christmas Pudding (Made by Mari),brandy sauce and of course a nice wine.It will be different this Christmas,the first one with out Mum (Auntie Es),the toast to absent friends will have a special meaning without doubt.Our Son Stephen will not be here with us,as he takes his Family to the Island Resort off the Gold Coast each year for their holidays,enjoy your Christmas and New Year,Lots of love to you all,
Arohanui,Mari,Jack and Family


Mrs Margret said...

From: Margret Sent: 18/12/2004 11:19 p.m.
Hello to the Brisbane hotties
Wish yo were Here? the idea of having a hot Xmas dinner would not go amiss here as the lightning, thunder , hail and torrential rain and lots of big winds lead us into xmas.
Enjoy yourselves with lovely weather, fine dining menu and the great grandchild due to make 2005 a Happy New Year.
Love from the Brands mob

Mrs Margret said...

From: rona Sent: 20/12/2004 10:38 a.m.
Kia Ora Whanau,

After seeing the Christmas messages beginning to appear on the website, I thought it was high time I added my little bit to the pot. This Christmas for us is going to be both a happy, and sad occassion. Happy for all the usual reasons, family, gifts, holiday, food, drink, eat, sleep (all of which we will probably have an over indulgence of - except for the presents) and sad, because we have just found out that one of Gerald's cousin has got the big "C" and things do not look good. However family has rallied around to give him a good Christmas.

My big brother should now be ensconsed in Sydney enjoying all of the thrills and spills of that fair city. Haven't heard yet from the Melbournites, but will do so around the big day. Laura, will be celebrating the festive season fairly quietly (well as quietly as she can) as most of her whanau won't be coming back for Xmas this year. For us it will be our family lunch at home (hangi of course) and then off to do the rounds of the many families, and for Joey and her tribe, Xmas at home then off to, somewhere up North for a family reunion on Lionel's side. She did tell me - it begins with "W" and is somewhere near Opononi, I think.

So to one and all, from us here in Windy Wellington, (which it has been over the past few days-almost like winter again!) we wish you all the very best for Christmas, may the sun shine down on your little part of the world, and all goes well for the day, and for the New Year - try not to make too many resolutions. I've got a few in mind and will do my best this year to fulfill them - some achievable, others I've made for a few years in a row now but haven't gotten anywhere near them: Happy New Year!


Mrs Margret said...

From: Danny Sent: 21/12/2004 7:22 p.m.
To All Our Family and Friends,we would like to wish you All,
"Merry Xmas, and a Happy New Year,"
Thanks to All of you, for making the last Year a Great One. The moments that we shared are somthing that we will Treasure ForEver.
Love from,
Danny and Nola