Monday, 5 January 2009

2004 August Boeing 757 as Air Force 2, NZ OIympians, Laura's birthday

From: Margret Sent: 31/08/2004 9:45 p.m.
31 August and so called Spring starts tomorrow 

OLYMPICS ARE OVER:  Well , it did take a while, but Hamish Carter and Bevan Docherty proved that Men Can Do Something.    Their wins, Gold for Hamish and Bevan to his silver, fabulous: and they join Sarah Ulmer and Caroline and Georgina Evers-Swindell twins in New Zealand's Olympic history and with Ben Fouhy achieving a silver for kayak.

Women are taking over the world!  Sports fans Mari and Jack will be highly aware of many sports codes which they follow from their Brisbane home.  Jack is a letter writer to the editor of the Taranaki Daily News and The New Zealand HeraldHOLD ON -  - MIND MY ANKLE' Jackie's operation on 9th August was to have one pin taken out.  She has written about this event, and the 12-week's- ago accident, describing the need for serious physiotherapy to follow on from tomorrow.  Lots of personal reading has been done and a recommended author has been exchanged with Mari, namely, James Patterson.  Down in the Manawatu, the grass is growing greener, and the inundation of rain has lead her lawn to tremendous growth and the natural lawn mowers might be let in to ruminate.  To you, Jackie, keep up the sense of humour and avoid the scuffles.Danny said that he phoned to wish Laura a happy birthday - there's not long before his retirment 65th or 70th (??) next month.  He is also arranging to inform any whanau know that he is arranging a meeting at my place on 11th September.  We can look forward to Ruakaka tuatua, or something that reminds him of his home-from-home.  He will be emailing those he knows the addresses for and probably making contact to those not using the Internet.  Watch this space.  Mentioning those Internet-users, Trish has let them know of her plans to catch those wriggly little blighters that leap into her whitebait nets now that the season has been opened.  LAST OF THE SUMMER WINE has nothing on Rona's tribute to the Cornbread and her recipe for the rime on her cooking is  a tribute to her skills as a writer.  'Cornbread, the appetite teaser for Rona is,  described by Sherrie in the messages section - read and drool.

Here is Laura, whose birthday is 11th August

Here it is, (not) starring Harrison Ford, in Air Force One, but Air Force Two.  I, for one, didn't even know that there was one Two, let alone, when President Clinton arrived in Auckland, that there were two Air Force One's.  Confused?   Roger, get going on those Digital Notations, please.  Danny, please note (four weeks and a bit to retirement).

From Sherrie, comes this newsmaking photo and story about  'when Vice President Cheney flew into Ontario to give a speech last week, his Boeing 757 was parked in front of the hangar where I am working for Aviation Maintenance Group. Once the VP had left the ramp, we were allowed to open our hangar doors and enjoy the sight of Air Force 2 against the backdrop of our beautiful San Gabriel Mountains. Also impressive were the sightings of a C-17, Army helicopter and other military equipment complete with armed guards. Tax dollars at work!'


Using a search engine can bring about unspected results.  I test them constantly:  To have a very fine read about the exploits of Uncle Jack, Mari's Dad, goto and there you can keep in Fenton and search for the considerable mentions about J. D. Fenton.  With Uncle Hip, tonight's find is  (The cut bowls are bulliaum bowls, carved out of sold rock and found in Taranaki, New Zealand. ) NB: you might have to search hard as the website has changed layout.    Keep on searching and key in for Christian Fenton and see how he keeps on his feet competing in marathons or half-marathons.

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