Monday, 5 January 2009

2003 September - Roger's PLN75 Paul Lance Nerwman's Le Taxi - a true story

From: Makalu2  (Original Message) Sent: 1/09/2003 11:14 p.m.

Things are hotting up in California – 2003 August 2003

You have probably heard about the Governor's Recall campaign going on and now the film star Arnold Scharzenegger's running for office but there's more ... the long ago race car of film star Paul Newman, known as the PLN team's racing taxi, took to the tracks in California at the Fontana raceway last weekend.  After an off-road storage of 24 years Roger took the car, a Triumph 2500TC (4-door) to the racetrack.  He said that overall it was not too bad a performance - which he hadn't had the head off yet, it ran with the original brake pads that responded well in the corners with newer Hoosier tyres.  Three races were completed before the radiator sprung an unfixable leak and a few other things to fix.  You can continue to read proud Sherrie's comments in the Discussion area.  Tonight, 8 August, Darryn and Julie have flown to UK for 3-week holiday.  It was 17 years ago that he and Mum (Aunty Mona) spent a month in Europe/England and three months tripping all over the USA.

   Birthday's for the August's winter's baby...Congratulations to Laura who lives in southern Taranaki.  Flowers for Laura on the 11th August 2003.  ... And so say all of us

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