Wednesday, 7 January 2009

2003 November- the Eagle has Landed with Trish arrival in Brisbane

From: MSN Nicknamejackmari1  (Original Message) Sent: 12/11/2003 2:11 p.m.
At 5.40am this morning our lovely Cousin Trish arrived here in Brisbane,Mari and I have been eagerly awaiting her arrival ,Trish is on her on her way back to Aotearoa after  a well earned holiday in Bali.
Looking fit and brown,the holiday obviously agreeing with her,some of her stories from Bali are starting to flow,she has really given the Bali economy a good lift as well as giving the locals something to smile about.Trish will be here with us for the next three days where she will meet up for the first time with Auntie Es,and the rest of our Family who all live here in Brisbane.
Wednesday we will do the "visitors" lunch,a leisurely ride out to the seaside suburb of Redcliffe for the seafood meal at "Morgans",a nice open cafe situated right by the waters of Morton Bay with views North to the Glass House Mountains. 
We have a lot of catching up to do,lots of chinwagging and a quiet drink or two,which both Mari and I are really looking forward to.
Lots of love to all,
Jack and Mari.

1 comment:

Mrs Margret said...

From: jackmari1 Sent: 19/11/2003 12:01 a.m.
Well our lovely Cousin Trish has returned to Aotearoa,it has been three lovely days,so much love,chinwagging,meeting up with all the Family,we were lucky that Stephen was back in town that day as he is always away travelling,so Trish had the chance to meetup with Stephen,Wife Trish (would you believe that there could possibly be two of them),their Daughter Kirsty and Son Ricky,there was a ton of laughter and clowning around,Trish met this side of the Family at their humorous best.Trish took some fab photos with her newly purchased digital camera which she operates with great skill.We spent a morning with Auntie Ess,who just loved meeting with,Young Ikes Daughter,that was how Mum remembers Ike,(young Ike).Our Daughter Jo-Ann and Mike came around home here to meet up with Trish and Granddaughter Nicola called early in the morning on her way to work to spend a couple of hours with her new found (rellie),a rellie that she really enjoyed meeting up with.We did the usual Kiwi visitors trip to "Morgans"for lunch,we expected to be at Morgans around 11.30am,however we were delayed after making a visit to a 1950 style pub to show Trish the decor,enjoyed a drink or two,finally arriving for lunch at 2.30pm.

We just loved having Trish here with us and just like with Pam &Bryan Taylor,Margret and Richard Brands,it was very hard saying good bye at the airport,we just loved every moment of it,all.

Our Family are still talking about having their exciting Cousin Trish here in Brizzie,Trish has some great photos that will no doubt appear soon on the website.

Llove to all

Mari and Jack.