Wednesday, 7 January 2009

2003 December - Season's Greetings from Jack, editor of Whanau in Touch, and Mari

From: MSN Nicknamejackmari1  (Original Message) Sent: 24/12/2003 12:59 a.m.
Wishing you all,a merry Christmas and a Happy,Healthy and Prosperous New Year,and what a year it has beenThe Re-Union in February at Owae Marae,followed by the keeping in contact by several of the Whanau,just so good.
(Pictured is Mari) We have all gained so much from all this contact,the Auckland based Whanau with their "Korero an Kai",the Lovable Larrikan Danny Fenton doing his rounds re-uniting and introducing himself to the Whanau that he has not seen for so long or never previously met before,well done Danny, Mari and I are really looking forward to eventually meeting up with Nola and yourself.
To Uncle Ikes Girls who have been having regular get togethers,it was great meeting up with you Ladies and we are enjoying the regular e-mail contact.My thanks to all those who have contributed such fine stories and bits and pieces for the "Whanau In Touch"Newsletter,you have no idea just how much enjoyment we get from this.
The inspiration we get from the "Aunties",Auntie Ruby,Auntie Mona and Auntie Ess and of course from the proud Historian,Uncle Hip.
We owe a huge vote of thanks to our Lady from Herald Island for giving us all this great Website,a place where we can all have a say,make a conversation,respond to someones elses letters,a great means of keeping the contact with each other,well done Margret.I look at this site every night as there is always something new to see,you know there are 111 letters and over 550 photos on this site,if you are ever lonely,log on and relax enjoying all those photos and interesting letters.
Nana Fenton would be so proud and happy to know that her Whanau are a "Whanau In Touch",keeping the dream alive.To you all,Mari and I say"Thank you for your friendship and love"we never invisaged things being like this that night we sat together reading the Whakapapa and deciding that we should endeavour to make contact with Mari's Cousins.
Have a great Christmas.
lots of love to you all.
Mari and Jack.

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